The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) in the November period December 2023 secured 18 foreign nationals and one Indonesian citizen from 11 cases of alleged immigration crime.

"The number of suspects arrested is 19 people, consisting of 18 foreign nationals and one Indonesian citizen," said Director of Immigration Supervision and Enforcement of the Directorate General of Immigration Saffar Muhammad Godam as reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

Saffar said the 19 suspects are currently being investigated by immigration investigators at 11 immigration offices throughout Indonesia.

"The handling of immigration crimes is currently in the process of being investigated in 11 offices (immigration) throughout Indonesia," said Godam.

Meanwhile, the Sub-Coordinator of Investigation at the Directorate General of Immigration, Happy Reza Dipayuda, explained that of the 19 suspects, there were several suspects who were charged with Article 120 paragraph (1) of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration which regulates crimes of human smuggling (TPPM).

In addition, he also mentioned that there was a suspect foreigner who claimed to be an Indonesian citizen.

"So, this is a foreigner, claiming that Indonesia wants to make Indonesian passports," said Happy.

The suspect was charged with Article 126 letter c of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration which regulates criminal sanctions for perpetrators who manipulate data illegally or incorrectly to obtain travel documents of the Republic of Indonesia.

The 11 immigration offices that handle the case are the Class II Immigration Office of Non-TPI Blitar, the Class I Immigration Office of TPI Denpasar, the Class I Immigration Office of TPI North Jakarta, the Class II Nunukan Immigration office, and the Class I Special Soetta Immigration office.

In addition, at the Class II Immigration Office of Non-TPI Wonosobo, the Class I Immigration Office of TPI Cilacap, the Class III Bima Immigration Office, the Class III Immigration Office of Non-TPI Cianjur, the Class I Immigration Office for TPI Surabaya Special, and the TPI Entikong Immigration Office.

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