JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters (Mabes) has not been able to confirm the application of the death penalty in the case of the Astanaanyar Police Chief, Bandung, and her 11 members who used drugs.

The death penalty for members of the police who were involved in the Nakorba was conveyed by General Idham Azis when he was the National Police Chief.

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, said that the penalties imposed on police officers who commit crimes are the same as civilians. Because you must look at various factors first.

"We have to look at the legal facts from the case. Is she only the user, is she the dealer. All need further investigation by investigators", said Argo when confirmed, Thursday, February 18.

So far, the case is still in the process of handling Profession and Security (Propam). Thus, it is not certain that the role of the Astanaanyar police chief in the case has yet to be confirmed.

However, Argo emphasized that if the role of the Astanaanyar Police Chief was known in this case later, strict penalties would be given. In addition, this will also be a lesson for other Police force members.

All members of the National Police will always be under surveillance, whether they are carrying out their duties or not. So, no member can violate the law.

"Internal prevention and firm action if there is a mistake", he said.

For information, General Idham Azis had emphasized that if a member is involved in drugs, they should be given a harsh sentence. Because as the security apparatus, the police should already know the rules.

"Well, if the police are the ones who get involved in drugs, the punishment should be the actual death penalty, because they should already know the law", General Idham Azis said at Polda Metro Jaya, Thursday, July 2, 2020.

Meanwhile, the Astanaanyar Police Chief and dozens of members were arrested by the West Java Regional Police Propam. They are suspected of taking drugs.

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