JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Health Service (Sudinkes) said that as many as 11 monkeypox patients in the local area were declared cured.

The recovery of the 11 patients made West Jakarta without cases of monkeypox reported for a while, after previously on Tuesday (5/12) it was recorded that seven of the 11 monkeypox patients had recovered.

"Patient 11, all have recovered," said Head of West Jakarta Health Sub-dept., Erizon Safari via text message in Jakarta on Saturday.

Erizon said that vaccinations were still being carried out, but not in large numbers because almost all people who had close contact with patients had been vaccinated and there were no more new diseases.

"Not much longer (vaccination). There are no new cases either," said Erizon.

Then, Erizon also said that the transmission of the disease of eleven monkeypox patients in West Jakarta came from local transmission.

"Local (disease transmission)," said Erizon.

Furthermore, Erizon said that the method of disease transmission through physical contact.

"It is possible (through) direct contact. It could be (through same-sex relationships) or other physical contacts," concluded Erizon.

The 11 recovered monkeypox patients were men.

"Yes, all men," said Erizon.

Regarding preventive measures, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, December 9, Erizon continues to encourage the public to implement a 'Clean and Healthy Lifestyle' (PHBS).

"The prevention that we can do is PHBS. From the first, that's how we deal with infectious diseases like this, wash our hands, avoid contact with sick people," said Erizon.

Meanwhile, said Erizon, for residents who have direct contact with patients, he proposes to vaccinate the nearest health center.

"Yes, for people who have the potential to be at risk, who are in direct contact, it is recommended for vaccination," concluded Erizon.

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