JAKARTA - Governor of North Sulawesi (Sulut) Prof. Dr (HC) Olly Dondokambey, SE received the PWI Golden Pena Award, Thursday, December 7, because he was considered to have contributed to the nation and state in participating in building the national press, especially the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI). Olly Dondokambey is listed as the 4th Governor of North Sulawesi who received the highest award from the PWI.

The awarding of the Golden Pena was handed over directly by the General Chairperson of the Central PWI Hendry Ch Bangun to the Governor of North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambey at the Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta. On that occasion, Hendry Bangun accompanied by PWI Secretary General Sayid Iskandarsyah handed over the certificate and wore a PWI suit to Olly Dondokambey. Meanwhile, the handover of the Golden Pena Pin will be handed over at the peak of the 2024 National Press Day (HPN) on February 9.

Hendry Bangun said Olly Dondokambey was the 45th recipient of PWI Gold Pena. The tradition of awarding Golden Pena began in 1946. The first recipient is Sumanang, SH, the first PWI Chair.

It is said that the four North Sulawesi Governors who have received the PWI Golden Pena award, respectively GH Mantik in 1984; then CJ NTung in 1995; then Sinyo Harry Sarundajang in 2013 and finally Olly Dondokambey in 2023.

The Governor of North Sulawesi admitted that he did not expect to get the PWI Golden Pen Award. Olly admitted that she was very happy when the good news was delivered by the Chairman of PWI North Sulawesi, Voucke Lontaan, to him some time ago.

According to Olly Dondokambey, the role of the press in development in North Sulawesi is very positive. The press, he added, not only plays a role in carrying out its functions in providing useful information to the public but it is no less important to also carry out social control.

"The print media in North Sulawesi is my reference in seeing development issues. It is from the media that I can know the real conditions in the community," said the Governor of North Sulawesi.

It is said that North Sulawesi's success in getting out of the COVID-19 critical and restoring North Sulawesi's economic life could not be separated from the role of the press. So that the economy can grow above 5 percent per year or higher than national economic growth.

"The media plays a role in introducing North Sulawesi's potential in agriculture, plantations, fisheries and the future mainstay of the tourism sector. I think the press role is still relevant for us to continue to push forward," he said.

When the PWI North Sulawesi office in Manado caught fire in 2021, Olly Dondokambey and his deputy Drs Steven Kandouw were recorded to have actively helped rehabilitate the building through the 2023 APBD. Currently, the PWI building can be reused. "I really want PWI to be strong so that it can contribute more to North Sulawesi development," said Olly.

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