JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs provides compensation for victims who die due to the COVID-19 infection. The compensation index is given at IDR 15 million each person.

This is stated in Circular Number 427/3.2/BS.01.02/06/2020 concerning the Handling of Social Protection for Victims of Death Due to Coronavirus.

In the SE, Director General of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims of the Ministry of Social Affairs Adi Wahyono said the compensation policy referred to the decision of the Head of the National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) Number 9A of 2020.

"Compensation for death is given to heirs whose family members died due to being infected with COVID-19 as stated by the hospital or the Community Health Center (puskesmas) or the Ministry Of Health", Adi wrote in an SE quoted by VOI on Wednesday, February 17.

To get this compensation, the victim's family must attach a number of documents as the requirements. A number of conditions are as follows:

1. Photocopy of family card (KK) of victims and heirs.

2. Photocopy of ID cards of victims and heirs.

3. Photocopy of the death certificate from the hospital or health center or excerpt from the death certificate from the Population and Civil Registry Office. Both are in a legalized form.

4. A certificate that the victim died was infected with COVID-19 from the local district/city Health Office.

5. Photocopy of certificate of heirs in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in a legalized form.

6. A statement letter designating the heirs who receive death benefits, signed by all heirs on stamp duty and attached with a photocopy of the ID cards of all heirs.

7. Photocopy of savings book accounts that are still active in the names of the heirs. The name of the account book is in accordance with the heir's Certificate.

The following is the mechanism for submitting compensation for COVID-19 deaths:

1. Residents complete the files according to the conditions listed.

2. Files are delivered to the local district/city Social Service, according to the location where the victim died.

3. District/city Social office verifies and validates citizen proposal documents based on data submitted by the Health Office.

4. The district/city Social office submits proposals for the names of citizens who meet the requirements to the provincial Social Service with copies to the Regent/Mayor and the Director General of Social and Political Affairs of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

5. Provincial Social office verifies proposals from district/city Social office to be proposed to the Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

6. Proposals are verified and validated by the Director General of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

7. If the proposed data is correct and complete, compensation will be transferred to the heir's account.

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