AMBON - Two members of the Maluku Regional Police, Bripka Sandro Nendisa and Brigadier Rian Gusye Souisa, defendants in the crime of rape, were sentenced to eight years in prison.

"Asking the panel of judges who examined and tried this case to declare the defendants guilty of violating Article 285 of the Criminal Code Juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code," said Public Prosecutor Arif M. Kanahau in Ambon as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

There is also the thing that burdens the defendants is their status as members of the National Police who should protect, protect and become role models in society, and the actions of the defendants have tarnished the Polri institution.

Meanwhile, the mitigating thing is that the defendants were polite in the trial and had never been convicted.

According to the prosecutor, the rape incident occurred on Monday (19/6) 2023 at around 19:00 WIT in a hotel room in Ambon City.

The victim then went to the Maluku Police Headquarters to make a police report on the acts of violence committed by the two defendants against him.

The panel of judges postponed the trial until next week with the agenda of hearing the defendant's legal counsel's defense.

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