TANJUNG SELOR Bulungan Regent, Syarwani asked all regional apparatus to pursue the realization of physical and financial activities in the remaining time in 2023.

Moreover, in 2023, from the evaluation results, it was found that the activity program, which was realized, was still low.

"Such as budget absorption in 10 Puskesmas and several OPD whose realization is quite low or still below 50 percent. We evaluate this and find out what are the obstacles," said Syarwani, Tuesday, December 5.

However, the regent remains optimistic that the existing regional apparatus can pursue and complete the progress of activities carried out in 2023, both physical and financial activities.

"Including Puskesmas friends who have low realization of their activities, maybe the data has not been updated. So that we can find solutions to the obstacles faced, including OPD which has a fairly low realization. Can catch up can really be maximized," said Syarwani.

Syarwani revealed, in the remaining 27 days, the OPD can maximize the realization of its activities.

"I remind all regional apparatus that have quite a lot of physical activities. To manage the time well, especially the role of the supervisory function," he said.

Seperti penyelesaian Oprit Jembatan Salimbatu harus diawasi secara maksimal baik oleh konsultan pengawas hingga dinas teknis dalam hal manajamen waktu.

"Including several physical buildings that are expected to function in 2024. One of them is the Karang Anyar Village Office building and Tanjung Palas Tengah District, so as not to cross the contract limits that have been made," he explained.

The Regent also reminded that the Education Office (Disdik) had been allocated around Rp. 30 billion for the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for physical development activities.

"This must be maximized absorption, I hope that activities can be carried out optimally, including when there is a nomenclature change in the use of DAK, including the quality of the work," he said.

"It is impossible for me to harm the oceans. This means that we regents and deputy regents fully trust Budget Users (PA) and Budget User Authority (KPA) as financial managers and entrepreneurs. Even if the physical and financial realization of Bulungan is achieved 100 percent, of course this is a joint achievement, not just an achievement of the regional head," he concluded.

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