JAKARTA - The DPR together with the All-Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi) have agreed to form a joint working group, as a forum to coordinate and discuss the substance related to the revision of the Village Law.

"We have agreed, today we will start coordination and form a joint working group, between the DPR and representatives of village head organizations, to discuss together regarding the revision of the draft village law," said DPR Speaker Puan Maharani as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, December 5.

The formation of the joint working group was agreed upon after the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, accompanied by the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Dasco, during a meeting with Apdesi representatives.

Puan ensured that the joint working group would immediately work, while following the mechanisms and rules (tatib) in Parliament. This joint working group will also coordinate the results of discussions with Apdesi with the government.

"At the same time accommodating input or aspirations from other elements, so that things that can be produced can be useful not only for village heads, but also for all villages throughout Indonesia," he explained.

Puan has not been able to confirm that this joint working group will be commanded by Commission II of the DPR or the Legislation Body (Baleg). What is clear, he said, is that this will be discussed by the leadership of the DPR in coordination with the board's equipment (AKD).

"The DPR has carried out a recess period, therefore the leadership of the DPR will then coordinate with AKD. It must be discussed first according to the mechanism," he asserted.

Puan stated that there would be informal meetings to discuss the continuation of the joint working group. The meeting was important to equalize the perception of the formation of the working group.

"We have agreed in the meeting that there will be informal meetings, to then equalize perceptions or thoughts and aspirations of both parties," he said.

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