JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud MD, Aiman Witjaksono, fulfilled a police summons at the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 5, 2023. Aiman was summoned in connection with his report stating that the Police were not neutral in the 2024 General Election. from the monitoring of the voi team, Aiman together with Aiman's attorney, Ronny Talapessy arrived at Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta at 10:15 WIB.Priminal power Ronny Talapessy said that Aiman's brother fulfilled the summons of investigators from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Metro Jaya on six reports addressed to Aiman. "This morning we from brother Aiman's legal adviser fulfilled the summons from investigators on six reports aimed at Aiman's brother," said Aiman's attorney, Ronny Talapessy to the media crew.Aiman firmly said that he would cooperate and follow all applicable laws. "I have submitted all the files and evidence to the legal team from TPN," said Aiman at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday 5 December.

Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud MD, Aiman Witjaksono, was reported to be related to Article 28 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning ITE and or Article 14 and or Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations. This case was originally when Polda Metro Jaya received six reports against Aiman who alluded to the issue of inequality between Apparatus or Police in the 2024 General Election.

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