Six trucks containing humanitarian assistance from Indonesia departed from Egypt to Gaza, Palestine.

"At 15.00 Egypt time or 20.00 WIB, six trucks were launched at Mishr Al-Kheir (Egyptian philanthropic agency)," said Chairman of the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) Noor Achmad as reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 4.

The six trucks heading to the Rafah border gate brought aid in the form of basic necessities needed by war survivors in the Gaza Strip.

The process of traveling is estimated to take no less than 14 hours, from Cairo to the Rafah Gate and through a series of checks at military posts.

Nevertheless, Noor is optimistic that the aid shipment can take place safely to its destination because it is collaborating with a humanitarian agency whose track record has been recognized not only by Egypt and Palestine, but also Israel.

"Mishr Al-Kheir, a humanitarian agency that has been in contact with all parties, including Israel. Since all the aid was examined by Israel, no one escaped without Israel," Noor said.

Noor said the value of aid distributed by Indonesia through Mishr Al-Kheir reached 330,000 US dollars. Everything is sent in the form of goods and nothing is in the form of money.

"We ask that the 330,000 US dollars be spent 100 percent, not in the form of money, all in the form of goods. There are medicines, clothes, food, drinks, everything needed," said Noor.

One week later or Monday (11/12), the Indonesian Baznas also sent six humanitarian aid trucks for Palestine again.

The truck containing basic necessities for Palestine spent in Egypt is also a humanitarian contribution from the Indonesian nation.

In addition to Mishr Al-Kheir in Egypt, Indonesia is also collaborating in terms of distributing humanitarian aid to Palestine with the Egyptian Red Crescent (ECRS) and the Zakat and Alms House (Bayt Zakat Wa As-Shadaqat) in Egypt.

Cooperation is carried out as an effort to ensure the distribution is right on target and is accepted by those who are entitled to receive it in the Gaza Strip.

Noor said that Indonesia's total humanitarian contribution to Palestine, which was channeled through the three philanthropic institutions, reached 1 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 15 billion.

"This is Bayt Zakat Wa As-Shadaqat Egypt which is a durable, strong, as well as medicine food aid. That concentration," said Noor.

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