Pomdam IV/Diponegoro handled a case of alleged abuse that killed a soldier of the 4/TK Combat Engineer Battalion, Prada MZR, by two of his seniors.

Head of Information for Kodam IV/Diponegoro Colonel Richard Harizon in Semarang, Saturday, confirmed the fateful incident that occurred on November 30, 2023 at the Yonzipur 4/TK headquarters in Ambarawa, Semarang Regency.

"The order of Pangdam 4/Diponegoro is to be immediately processed by law," he said.

According to him, two senior soldiers suspected of carrying out the persecution, namely Pratu W and Pratu D, have been secured at Pomdam Diponegoro.

He explained that the incident began when the junior soldiers in the unit were gathered by their seniors.

He said it was not yet known why the soldiers were gathered on November 30 that night.

He added that the Pangdam Diponeg, oro also asked all parties involved in the violent incident to be investigated and prosecuted.

Meanwhile, Prada MZR's body has been returned to be buried in his place of origin in Demak Regency. The case is still being handled by Pomdam Diponegoro.

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