Presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto said his frequent dancing activity was a form of joy in defending the people.

"People who like to dance have a happy heart. Why are they happy, because they are fighting for the people they love," Prabowo said during a speech at Pandawa Lima volunteers at Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 1.

Volunteers who heard Prabowo's statement immediately thundered. Several volunteers shouted "Prabowo gemoy" on the sidelines of the Gerindra Party chairman's speech.

According to Prabowo, the people can also assess that he and vice presidential candidate Gibran Rakabuming Raka really fight for the people, not just relying on dancing games.

He hopes that the fighting spirit for the people can be infected with all volunteers so that they can seek maximum community support.

"The people capture how our souls are, how kind of we are. How can we be happy because we are right, because our only goal is for the benefit of the people," he said.

Previously, a political expert from Andalas University, Padang Asrinaldi, said that Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto must be released from the game "gemoy" and return to his identity.

"Prabowo must return to his identity as a strong nationalist because now there is a rival like Mahfud Md.," said Asrinaldi when contacted by ANTARA in Jakarta, Wednesday (29/11).

According to him, the "gemoy" game that is developing in the community is very far from Prabowo's general impression.

According to him, the game collapsed Prabowo's impression was strong and firm, as he appeared in the 2014 and 2019 elections.

"It is said that Indonesia must be independent, no longer import, show that we are strong, like Pak Prabowo was famous," he said.

In addition, the "gemoy" game that is always used by the Prabowo-Gibran pair will actually backfire for them. Because millennials will be smarter by choosing a leader based on the ideas and programs that the candidate pair offers.

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