JAKARTA - Presidential candidate number two, Prabowo Subianto, said that all levels of society must be involved in politics to fight for the interests of the nation.

"So there are those who say they don't want to get involved in politics, meaning you are not responsible for the future of our nation," Prabowo said during a speech in front of the Pandawa Lima volunteers at the Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 1.

Prabowo said that there are many things that the community can fight for in political activities, such as maintaining food price stability, reducing the level of road congestion, seeking low prices for Oil Talent Materials, and eradicating corruption.

All of that, said Prabowo, could be done by the community if they wanted to be involved in political activities, namely choosing a leader during the upcoming General Election of the President and Vice President (Pilpres).

By voting for the right leader, said Prabowo, these problems can be resolved according to the expectations of the community.

"You dedicate yourself to politics by supporting one of the candidates, meaning you have a sense of responsibility for our nation," he said.

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