The Karanganyar Police said that the fighter with the initials WA (14), a resident of Manggung Cangakan, died from being hit and kicked by his seniors while participating in pencak silat training in the elementary school yard in the Cangakan area, Sunday, November 26.
"From the autopsy results, the victim WA died due to being hit with his bare hands which resulted in injuries to vital organs, such as the pancreas, kidneys, and liver," said Karanganyar Police Chief AKBP Jerrold Hendra Yosef Kumontoy in Karanganyar, as reported by Antara, Thursday, November 30.
The police are also still investigating the chronology of the death of the WA victim because the alleged perpetrator had changed the victim's training clothes to sports clothes. This was done by the perpetrator as a pretext that the victim died due to being hit by the ball.
"We will hold a reconstruction of the case in the near future," said Jerrold.
He appealed to all martial arts schools in Karanganyar to adjust the existing rules and eliminate the tradition of physical punishment or doweran.
The motive for the incident began with the victim who was unable to present new students so that he received physical punishment.
In this case, the police have named five suspects, namely the adult suspect with the initials BP (21) and RS (20), while the child-age perpetrators with the initials AE (17), HT (16), and MA (15).
The police have also confiscated evidence in the form of the victim's clothes that were worn to take part in pencak silat's martial arts training.
The police chief added that all the perpetrators had been detained, but specifically the perpetrators of their children's detention were in separate places, namely the police, while the adult perpetrators were in the Satreskrim detention.
The perpetrators are subject to Article 170 paragraph 2 of the 3rd Criminal Code and or Article 76 C in conjunction with Article 80 of Law Number 17 of 20216 concerning Stipulation of Government in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2022 concerning Child Protection, with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.
The case of the death of a WA fighter began with the victim and his friend doing pencak silat training at the Cangakan Elementary School yard, Karanganyar, on Sunday (26/11), at around 15.00 WIB.
The victim as a pesilat resident was only charged with bringing four students during training, but to no avail, resulting in a doweran penalty, namely the stance of the horses taking a breath, then being beaten and chased by their seniors.
After receiving harsh treatment from his seniors, at 16.00 WIB the WA victim fell down and slit until he was given first aid and brought to the classroom terrace.
The victim's condition got worse with his hands cold and the heartbeat was gone. The victim was finally taken to the emergency room at the Karanganyar District Hospital, but was declared dead.
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