JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo invites all parties not to worry about the 2024 simultaneous elections, because according to the Indonesian Head of State we have experience in holding them.

"Next year we will hold elections, the biggest democratic party, but I need to remind you that there is no need to worry, our country has experience holding elections, not once or twice, five times," said President Joko Widodo as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 29 .

This was conveyed by President Widodo when giving directions at the 2023 Bank Indonesia Annual Meeting in Jakarta, Wednesday evening.

Joko Widodo said that differences in political choices and views in elections are normal. According to him, it is normal for a rather warm political situation to occur.

"So differences (in political views), a bit warm, a bit hot, that's normal. Differences in choices are also normal," he said.

The President believes that the Indonesian nation is a nation that always loves peace.

"Because what we all know is that our nation, the Indonesian nation, is a nation that loves peace, a nation that loves unity, a nation that loves harmony, let us unite for a developed Indonesia," said the President.

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