JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo will transform a building to become a special infectious hospital on Galang Island, Batam. In particular, this hospital will be designated for patients with the corona virus or COVID-19.

Jokowi said the buildings that were to be used already existed, had to be polished a little and added health facilities. So, he said, the preparations would not take a long time because there was no need to build a new hospital.

"We want speed. I want facilities that are truly ready at any time. Although I have to convey, each region has 132 hospitals that are ready with isolation facilities, but we also need such as those on Sebaru Island and Galang Island for preparation. "Jokowi said at the State Palace, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, March 3.

In addition, the Special Staff of the President of Angkie Yudistia said that the hospital that will be provided on Galang Island can complement the rehabilitation sites that previously existed on Sebaru and Natuna Islands.

"The plan is for the placement of these patients for Indonesian citizens who have traveled abroad and are detected to have coronavirus symptoms, so as to prevent the spread of the virus to the general public," said Angkie when confirmed by VOI.

Angkie added, there are already more than a hundred hospitals that are alerted to treat patients who show symptoms of the corona virus. Plus, there are three national referral hospitals for these patients, namely RSPI Sulianti Saroso, RSPAD Gatot Subroto, and RS Persahabatan.

However, he said, this was not enough. The placement of patients who are isolated and quarantined because they are suspected of being infected with corona must be differentiated. Moreover, this disease has spread almost all over the world.

"They have different medical needs, especially the radius of this treatment must be sterile from the reach of the general public," explained Angkie.

Public policy observer Agus Pambagio questioned the plan to provide a hospital specifically for handling corona patients. The government, said Agus, seemed confused about this virus.

Agus saw panic from the government because of an Indonesian citizen who was positively infected with the corona. In fact, according to him, the process of transferring Indonesian citizens who are suspected of having a corona indication cannot be carried out carelessly.

"Why not from the start so that the handling is optimal, the provision of hospital facilities for a while. If in Batam, what is the use of the sick people being taken there? How about the equipment? Is sterilization guaranteed?" said Agus when contacted by VOI.

Agus considered, the provision of this special corona hospital was also excessive. Because, he said, the corona virus will also subside in a few months. Moreover, patients who are positive for corona have been treated at the Sulianti Saroso Infectious Diseases Hospital (RSPI).

"The existing hospital is equipped with qualified and improved healing facilities so that the isolation room does not spread," said Agus.

Previously reported, two Indonesian citizens were declared infected with the COVID-19 virus after making contact with a Japanese national. This finding is the first case in Indonesian territory, where the government has so far admitted that there has been no spread of the virus.

These two people have a family relationship as mother and child. After being tested positive for COVID-19, both of them are now being treated at RSPI Sulianti Saroso, Jakarta to be isolated according to existing regulations.

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