YOGYAKARTA - How much 2024 Hajj costs have been officially determined by the government and the DPR in a working meeting held at the Parliament Complex, Senayan on Monday (27/11). The cost of organizing the Hajj (BPIH) in 1445 Hijri is IDR 93.4 million. Of that amount, each Hajj pilgrim is charged IDR 56 million and the rest is borne by a profit value fund.

The agreement to determine the BPIH in 2024 was jointly signed between Commission VII DPR RI and the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. BPIH is the cost of Hajj trips that must be paid by each congregation. Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Minister of Religion, said that his party approved the results of the discussion of the BPIH working committee.

Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Ashabul Kahfi explained the decision of the 2024 BPIH Working Committee meeting. Ashabul said that the payment of BPIH would be paid directly by each congregation minus the initial deposit of Rp. 25 million and the amount of the virtual account balance of each congregation.

The determination of the 2024 hajj costs has passed a series of long discussions within the scope of the Ministry of Religion and the Indonesian House of Representatives Panja. The discussion process within the Panja itself took place in a tough manner for two weeks.

Initially, the Ministry of Religion proposed a BPIH of Rp. 105 million for each congregation. The proposal was expressed by Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas in a Working Meeting with the DPR RI on Discussions on the Preamble to BPIH and the Establishment of the BPIH Working Committee in 1445 H/2024 AD on Monday (13/11).

"Yesterday, the government held a working meeting with Commission VIII to discuss the cost of Hajj. The cycle is indeed the government proposing a hajj fee. We propose a BPIH of Rp. 105 million per congregation. This proposal will be used as material for discussion by the Panja to later agree on how much the Hajj costs will cost in 2024," said the Minister of Religion in a press statement on Tuesday (14/11).

In the Ministry of Religion's proposal, BPIH increased by Rp. 15 million from the previous year which was only Rp. 90.05 million. The Director General of Hajj and Umrah (PHU), Hilman Latief, said that the increase in BPIH's 2024 proposal was due to a number of factors. The considerations are an increase in exchange rates, both Dollars and Riyals and additional services.

"The cost of Hajj in 2023 is agreed upon with the assumption that the exchange rate of USD 1 is IDR 15,150 and 1 SAR is IDR 4,040. Meanwhile, the proposed 2024 Hajj fee is prepared assuming an exchange rate of IDR 1 USD of IDR 16,000 and 1 SAR of IDR 4,266," Hilman said in a press statement on Tuesday (14/11).

Hilman said that the dollar exchange rate against Rupiah per day had touched the figure of Rp. 15,700. In the BPIH proposal, it is assumed that the Rupiah exchange rate is Rp. 16,000 because the exchange rate is very volatile. He also said that the difference in exchange rates had an impact on increasing service costs, such as salawat bus transportation.

However, in the next working meeting with the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VII Working Committee on Wednesday (22/11), the Ministry of Religion lowered the 2024 BPIH proposal to IDR 94.3 million. This new proposal was then discussed by the DPR RI Commission VII Working Committee and the forum agreed to the BPIH next year amounting to IDR 93.4 million.

"As the Chair of the Panja, I convey the Director General, we really appreciate the performance of all of you and friends of all the Panja team. However, what we need to convey here is related to the submission from the government of Rp. 105 million to Rp. 93,410,000," said Chairman of the BPIH Committee Commission VIII DPR RI Abdul Wachid when reading the conclusion of his meeting on Thursday (23/11).

Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI, Ace Hasan Syadzily, revealed that there were a number of considerations in determining the 2024 BPIH to Rp93.4 million for each congregation. The DPR Working Committee encourages the calculation of the cost of Hajj based on objective conditions and the previous year's costs by looking at inflation in Saudi, adjusting the Dollar and Riyal currencies, and adjusting the price of components.

In this case, Panja lowers a number of components including costs for accommodation. Components that can be lowered include flight costs (mainly), consumption, and hotels or accommodation in Saudi Arabia.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai berapa biaya haji 2024 yang sudah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah RI. Meski besaran biaya bagi tiap jemaah naik dibanding tahun sebelumnya, namun dibantu dengan dana nilai manfaat yang diberikan.

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