Bogor Regency Minimum Wage 2024 Proposed At IDR 5.1 Million Or Up 14 Percent
Illustration of money (ANTARA)

BOGOR - Head of the Bogor Regency Manpower Office (Disnaker) Zaenal Ashari conveyed recommendations to increase the district minimum wage (UMK) in 2024 by 14 percent to the Governor of West Java.

The recommendation is the result of a plenary session from the Bogor Regency Wage Council meeting. Iwan Setiawan in his recommendation letter stated that the Bogor UMK figure of IDR 4,520,212 in 2023, was proposed to increase by 14 percent or IDR 632 thousand to IDR 5,153,041.

"The determination of the 14 percent UMK was agreed after a long discussion with representatives of workers who held a demonstration in front of the Bogor Regency Government Complex Gate," said Head of the Bogor Regency Manpower Office Zaenal Ashari, Tuesday, November 28.

In the meeting, continued Zaenal, each party proposed an increase in the value of various UMKs, such as the union which proposed an increase of 15.7 percent, then the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) which proposed an increase of 1.31 percent, and the government 1.57 percent.

"The increase is 14 percent, it's just a suggestion, this decision will be processed in the province, but the governor will decide," he explained.

Previously, hundreds of workers in Bogor Regency held a demonstration in front of the Bogor Regency Government Complex. They demanded that the Bogor Regency Government raise the UMK which would later be recommended to the Governor of West Java.

"The land demand for wage increases proposed by unions refers to the needs of decent living (KHL) for workers in Bogor Regency," said Representative of the DPC Federation of Chemical, Energy and Mining Workers Unions (FSPKEP) Bogor Regency Mujimin.

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