KAI Tanjungkarang Lampung Ordered 1,460 Square Meters Of State Assets
Petugas PT KAI Tanjungkarang sedang melakukan pnertiban terhadap salah satu rumah warga yang menempati lahan KAI. Bandarlampung, Selasa, (28/1/2023). (ANTARA/Dian Hadiyatna)

LAMPUNG BANDAR - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (PT KAI) Divre IV Tanjungkarang, Bandar Lampung City curbed state assets on Jalan Rambutan Ujung, covering an area of 1,460 square meters.

"This control is carried out as a manifestation of KAI's seriousness in maintaining and optimizing state assets entrusted to the company," said Public Relations Manager of Divre IV Tanjungkarang Azhar Zaki Assjari, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 28.

Dalam proses penertiban ini, KAI memiliki bukti kepemilikan berupa sertifikat hak guna bangunan (HGB) No.187 yang dibit pada tahun 2016, berdasarkan dari groundkaart yang dimiliki PT KAI.

"From this groundkart, PT KAI proposed the issuance of a certificate on an area of 1,460 square meters, on which the land stands one house and twelve kiosks, which have no legal or contract ties with KAI at all," he said.

Zaki revealed that the construction of the building on KAI's land was because the land had been certified by another party, but PT KAI filed a lawsuit against the cancellation of the certificate on the basis of the certificate that had been owned and also from the groundkart.

"The lawsuit submission was registered at the Lampung Province State Administrative Court (PTUN) with Case Number 19/G/2020/PTUN.BL with the Status of a Permanent Legal Force Case (Inckraht)," he said.

For filing the lawsuit, he continued, the Lampung Provincial Administrative Court canceled Certificate of Ownership Number 3/Sd in 1968 in accordance with the results of the verdict on case No: 19/G/2020/PTUN.BL dated November 30, 2020 which was won by KAI.

"Actually, in an effort to control KAI, we have made various approaches and procedural efforts. In 2019, we have conducted socialization to the residents of the company's assets on Jalan Rambutan," said Zaki.

In fact, he continued, KAI has also provided warning letters (SP) up to three times from March 2020 to February 2022, but due to the conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, control efforts have not been allowed.

"Then, July, September and November 2023, KAI again sent SP, but until now there has been no good faith from the residents of the house to vacate the land," he said.

He also emphasized that KAI carried out control of these assets in accordance with applicable procedures, put forward a humanist approach and was accompanied by regional officials, the TNI and Polri.

"KAI Divre IV Tanjungkarang continues to make various efforts to secure the assets of companies from parties who want to carry out confiscation. This is a form of KAI's commitment to safeguarding state assets that should be used for the benefit of the nation and contributing to Indonesia," he said.

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