JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Purwosusilo, said that his party was following up on reports of cutting salaries of honorary teachers in public schools.

In its handling, Disdik DKI summoned the principal of SD Negeri Malaka Jaya 10, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta. One of the Christian religious teachers there only gets a salary of Rp. 300 thousand per month. In fact, the teacher signed an honorarium of around Rp. 9 million per month.

"Today we are following up on it by summoning the principal and his staff, including the treasurer as well. They have been summoned previously by the elementary school sector," Purwosusilo told reporters, Monday, November 27.

Purwosusilo said that the principal of SDN Malaka Jaya 10 will be asked for information regarding reports on the distribution of honorary teacher salaries that are not appropriate to be recorded in the investigation report (BAP).

However, Purwosusilo has not confirmed whether any sanctions will be imposed on the principal.

"Today, because there are indications of cases related to the position of the principal, the PTK field will follow up. We are calling for a BAP in the PTK sector because we must have complete data. What is clear is that we have confirmed with various parties, school supervisors, teachers, sub-districts, sub-district cassation, wish, we have done that," he said.

Previously, Forgupaki complained to the DKI DPRD regarding 40 Christian honorary teachers at Jakarta public schools who did not get the wages according to what they should have received. They only get a salary of around Rp. 300 thousand to Rp. 2.5 million per month.

General Chairperson of Forgupaki Abraham Pellokila hopes that the DPRD can fight for the welfare of Christian religious teachers with honorary status. He also explained that one of the Christian religious teachers who received inappropriate wages is now teaching at the Malacca Jaya 10 State Elementary School (SDN), Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

"We hope that in the future these honorary teachers (considered). There are teachers whose salaries are Rp. 300 thousand per month and enter five days per week. Entering work at 15.00 hours, teachers at SD Malaka Jaya 10. There is also a salary of Rp. 500 thousand, some are Rp. 700 thousand, "said Abraham when reporting to the DKI DPRD.

Abraham also complained about the difficulty of Christian religious teachers being recorded in the Basic Education Data at the Ministry of Education because of the principal's policy which was deemed not to intend to input data.

"Sometimes it's difficult there. There are teachers who have taught for years who have not been included in the Dapodik. If the teacher is not included in the Dapodik, where can he become a PPPK teacher or where can he become a contract teacher," he explained.

DKI Jakarta DPRD member Ima Mahdiah admitted that she had forwarded this report to the DKI Jakarta Education Office. Ima suggested that the DKI Provincial Government follow up on the findings. He also wants the principal who cut the salaries of honorary teachers to be fired from his position.

"Pak PJ Gubernur saya tidak ada respons, ya, tapi dari Disdik akan menelusuri itu dulu. Jadi, kami kasih waktu. kalau memang ada, sosinya apa? Kalau saya, relomendasiin dipertihkan saja, dipercat," urai Ima.

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