JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) conveyed that understanding and predicting space weather is important to protect and maintain the sustainability of technological operations on Earth. "The prediction of space weather is more of an activity that impacts technology, which is checked for solar activity, magnetic activity, and ionospheric activity," said Researcher Young Researcher BRIN Space Research Center Fitri Nuraeni in Jakarta, Friday, November 24. He said space weather has a significant impact on technology. Space weather can create disturbances in the technology system on Earth. One of its main impacts is related to interference with navigation systems. He explained that magnetic storms originating from solar activity can affect Earth's magnetic field and cause disruption to navigation equipment, such as compasses.

This is crucial especially for air and sea transportation which relies on navigational accuracy.

"For example, the navigation missed, Antara a little, that's why we'll think normally. So, we're not going to think about space weather. We definitely think too far. So, it's usually like that," Fitri said. In addition, the impact of space weather can also be felt in the field of communication. Disturbances in satellite signals and communication equipment can occur due to changes in space weather. A phenomenon like a solar flash can cause a surge in currents that damage satellite equipment and communication infrastructure.

Therefore, deep understanding of space weather is the key to protecting increasingly dependent communication systems on satellite technology. Electricity sectors are also vulnerable to the impact of space weather. High-charged particles from the solar wind can damage transformers and electrical equipment, resulting in power outages. According to him, accurate space weather forecasts can help power grid operators to take necessary preventive measures and minimize the risk of damage. Fitri said BRIN provides Space Weather Information and Forecast (SWIFT) which is a real-time system of geomagnet activity for accessible space weather monitoring on the swift.brin.go.id page.' SWIFT can be seen by the general public. So, if for example anyone is curious about today's space weather, or its prediction is 24 hours ahead, it can visit swift.brin.go.id. It can be accessed anywhere, provided there is internet," he said. He said research on space weather was conducted in partnership with institutions from a number of universities in Indonesia, including Mataram University, Nusa Cendana University (Undana), Sumatra Institute of Technology (ITERA), and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He hopes that, the increased public awareness of the impact of space weather as well as the enthusiasm of young researchers who are willing to engage in it in order to maintain increasingly dependent technological stability on satellite infrastructure and communication systems. Hopefully awareness and understanding of space in general and space weather are in particular getting higher and if possible more and more interest from students, the next generation for this space research,' said Fitri.

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