JAKARTA Victims of fraudulent investment cases in Binomo are accused of experiencing a commotion after the distribution of assets from the perpetrators of Indra Kesuma or Indra Kenz, from the results of his crime. Allegedly, the new management of the United Indonesia Traders Association (PTIB) accused the absence of transparency in the distribution of assets by the old management.
PTIB's old management attorney, Nibezaro Zebua, denied this accusation. Zebua said that the accusation of lack of transparency in the distribution of assets sold to 144 victims of fraudulent investment fraud in the Binomo application with affiliate Indra Kenz was not true.
"Today I explained about the Indra Kenz case. After the cassation decision was divided among the victims that had been carried out by the South Tangerang Kejari based on BA220 as of August 3, 2023. It has been returned to the victims through the association with the chairman Maruna Zara," Zebua said in a written statement, Friday, November 24.
Zebua considers that the distribution is carried out in accordance with the presentation of their respective losses.
"It has been done well. And in the first, second and third partition stages it went smoothly. Nothing was covered up. Everything was divided according to the presentation of their respective losses. So recently there has been a problem between the victims. They accused the management of Maruna Zara and her friends of embezzling them in their positions by making a Police Report Article 372, 374," said Zebua.
He also said that the report became the forerunner of the new PTIB management to remove Maruna Zara's camp from her position.
The shift in the change in management of PTIB was also considered ineligible by the Maruna Zara camp. Because, continued Zebua, the change in management was carried out suddenly without a legal court decision.
"Basically, all of my friends who claim to be the current management (new management) he brought the police report before a notary and made an opinion in the group so that all members would agree to him as a new manager. It was very fatal," said Zebua.
"Because by overthrowing the management on the basis of the police report while the police report has not been proven guilty, there has been no legal court decision that Marunza Zara and his friends have been guilty of committing alleged embezzlement in office," he continued.
Zebua assessed that the change in the old management of PTIB to the new management was considered legally flawed. According to him, this can be proven by his camp through the cancellation of the decision of the Directorate General of AHU Menkumham issued by a new management notary when applying for a replacement of the PTIB management.
On the other hand, Maruna Zara's camp ensures that there will be no embezzlement and transparency steps with proof of old management's bank statements.
As well as a number of records of assets that have not been sold to be re-shared by presenting the loss of victims of the fraudulent investment of the trading robot.
"All the assets that still exist, one of which is the asset of Alam Sudai's house, which previously held a voting on August 26, 2023. That from 144 members to sell, at a price of Rp. 9 million per meter, the buyer is the initials J. There are several other assets, namely house and land and buildings in Medan, the three units are not embezzled by the old management. All of them still belong to all members of PTIB," said Zebua.
"The Ferrari asset has sold Rp1.5 billion, which was transferred directly to the PTIB account. Another unit of Tesla's car sold Rp435 million. With details such as, Rp25 million was used for the costs of the documents. Rp10 million for the towing and repair costs. Because the position of this Tesla car is dead. The Rp25 million carrying this buyer is on behalf of Edwin, one of the victims. And several other victims took care of this car for approximately two months. And we can prove through the data, here there is a newspaper account, here there is a financial cash and none of the sync is embezzled, nothing is covered up, nothing is covered by this old management. There is another asset, namely a Rolex watch, already sold for Rp70 million. Another luxury watch still exists now there is no buyer," he continued.
On the other hand, Maruna Zara's camp also submitted a report to the Polda Metro Jaya with the reported new management of PTIB with the alleged false statement of authentic deed.
"Until now, we have taken legal steps regarding their deed, we have reported it to Polda Metro Jaya, it has been accepted about giving false information in an authentic deed. The report received on November 20 has become an LP," he said.
The Banten High Court granted an asset appeal request from the perpetrators Indra Kenz to be returned to the victims.
On August 30, 2023, the old PTIB management received a number of confiscated assets from Indra Kenz regarding the crime case to be distributed to its victims.
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