JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) has given Umrah prizes to 12 mosques as a form of concern for the profession that has maintained and prospered houses of worship.

"Congratulations to the marbut. Hopefully you will be given the convenience of carrying out Umrah pilgrimage as well as possible," said Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono at DKI City Hall, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 24.

The Umrah program for marbutini is a collaboration between the DKI Provincial Government and the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) as an effort to realize the mental and spiritual development of the people in DKI Jakarta.

Salah satu marbut dari Masjid Agung Nurul Huda di Pulau Tidung, Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu, Mahdar (66) mengungkapkan rasa senuhan karena terpilih menjadi salah satu yang diberangkatan ibadah umrah oleh Pemprov DKI Jakarta.

"I thank the Acting Governor for giving the Umrah gift to me and other marbut friends," said Mahdar.

Mahdar admitted that this was the first time he visited City Hall and met and had a direct conversation with the Acting Governor of DKI.

Mahdar's happiness is increasing because during his 13 years of serving as a marbut, he was finally given a gift of Umrah worship.

In addition, Heru also gave his appreciation to the representatives of DKI Jakarta Province who have made achievements to get the 2nd overall champion of the 27th National Tilawatil Qur'an Hadith (STQH) in 2023 in Jambi.

Heru said that the Assistant for People's Welfare will continue to support this activity in the future through collaboration with BAZNAS BAZIS and the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will also continue to evaluate this activity if it finds something that needs to be added and perfected, it will be realized next year.

"I congratulate all the 27th National STQH champions. Hopefully next year we can improve again the champions we have won," said Heru.

As an expression of gratitude for the achievements that have been achieved by eleven STQH Kafilah, the DKI Provincial Government gives appreciation in the form of bonuses in the form of money for the champions.

Heru hopes that the bonus can be saved for school or used for other needs that are useful by the National STQH champions.

In addition, the cyclone who became the champion can also be an example for the younger generation in the city of Jakarta to like to read the Koran. Not only that, this achievement is expected to be a spirit for DKI Jakarta winners to be able to prepare themselves better for the next National STQH event.

Meanwhile, Assistant to the Regional Secretary for People's Welfare, Widyastuti, said that from 20 participants in the DKI Jakarta Province representatives, there were 11 participants who won the best champion and had won 2nd General Champion out of 34 provinces participating in the 27th National STQH.

"In addition to maintaining the title of winner, the DKI Kafilah has also increased in terms of achievement," said Widyastuti.

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