The findings of the Voxpopuli Research Center survey show that the level of public satisfaction with President Joko Widodo has increased to 82.3 percent with the upward trend continuing since the beginning of the year, above 75 percent and continuing to penetrate the range of 80 percent.

"The public wants post-Pilpres 2024 sustainability in line with the high level of satisfaction with Jokowi which reaches 82.3 percent," said Communications Director of the Voxpopuli Research Center Achmad Subadja as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 24.

Of those who stated that they were satisfied led by Jokowi, 7.5 percent even felt very satisfied. On the other hand, only 15.7 percent were dissatisfied, of whom 0.8 percent were not satisfied at all, and the remaining 2.0 percent said they did not know / did not answer.

The high level of satisfaction shows very high public expectations so that Jokowi's achievements will be continued by the next national leadership. The discourse on sustainability is unavoidable for all presidential and vice-presidential candidates who will compete in the 2024 presidential election.

According to Achmad, there are at least two pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates who are most strong in supporting sustainability.

"Prabowo-Gibran is Jokowi's most powerful representation in order to ensure sustainability after he is no longer president," said Achmad.

Meanwhile, the couple Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud Md inevitably have to echo the promise of sustainability, considering that the political power that supports them is also part of the government.

"It's just that the PDIP factor is a record of the extent to which sustainability will roll," continued Achmad.

The couple's camp Anies Baswaedan and Muhaimmin Iskandar (Cak Imin) are still voicing the narrative of change, but some of them say it will continue.

"Changes tend to be just a differentiating gimmick, because the dominant political power behind Anies is also in government," concluded Achmad.

The Voxpopuli Research Center survey was conducted on November 9-15, 2023, to 1,200 randomly selected respondents (multistage random sampling) representing all provinces in Indonesia. Margin of error survey by 2.9 percent, at a 95 percent confidence level.

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