JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission III of the House of Representatives Bambang Wuryanto or Bambang Pacul said that his party would not rush to hold a meeting regarding the replacement of the KPK leadership after the appointment of the KPK chairman, Firli Bahuri as a suspect in an extortion case.

"We are not in a hurry, we must have a meeting with the leadership for this, it is impossible (not a meeting, ed). Because this is a really extraordinary incident," said Bambang, Thursday, November 23.

Pacul did not reveal the mechanism for changing the KPK leadership. According to him, finding a replacement for Firli takes step by step.

"You have gone further (about the replacement mechanism, red) we step by step. Step by step, don't rush, if you say ojo, it's difficult," said the PDIP politician.

Pacul said that Commission III of the DPR would still see the progress of the case. Because, he said, Firli Bahuri had just been named a suspect so that it had no permanent legal force.

"This is still in the process of the suspect, Firli, right, we will follow the process later. We will follow the process together," said Pacul.

Meanwhile, a member of Commission III of the DPR from the NasDem faction, Taufik Basari, said that his party would see the progress of the legal process for the extortion case carried out by Firli against the former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

"Look, this is just the determination of the suspect, we don't know whether the regional police will make an attempt to detain him or not, that's it. So we'll just have to wait a day or two, see the progress," said Tobas at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, November 23.

"Because this is still fresh, so I also still see developments that are happening, it could be developments today, it could be tomorrow, or there is no progress, so we also don't know. We'll see," he continued.

The NasDem politician asked the public to be patient and jointly oversee the legal process that is being handled by the police.

"So we have to be patient, slowly, later we will follow this process together and we must also pay our respects to the legal process," said Tobas.

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