JAKARTA - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) senior investigator Novel Baswedan was reported to the police and the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) regarding his tweet about the death of Soni Eranata alias Ustaz Maaher At-Thuwailibi at the Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

The party that reported Novel Baswedan was the community organization (Ormas) Youth, Students, and Student Community Protection Partners (PPMK).

"Today, as the PPMK secretary general, I have sent a letter to the KPK leadership so that Novel Baswedan will be examined immediately," said PPMK Secretary General Lisman Hasibuan at the KPK building, Jakarta, Monday, February 15.

Kicauain Novel is considered to make the atmosphere worse. This is because Novel is a law enforcement officer and it is not appropriate to comment on this.

"We are very sorry that Novel Baswedan on social media as a law enforcement officer at the KPK and as a senior investigator at the KPK made a tweet on Twitter which today made public noise," said Lisman.

Therefore, he said, Novel must be held accountable for his tweets.

"That is not very beautiful. Moreover, he is a senior investigator at the KPK. One of the things he conveyed was 'outrageous officers'. He should have been a KPK investigator and born from the womb of the Police as well. Police institution. Moreover, he was a former member of the National Police himself, "he said.

With this report, the KPK Dewas will certainly assess and study the problems that occurred first. Until later it is decided what action will be taken

However, it is not certain whether Dewas will give punishment or sanction to Novel Baswedan.

Meanwhile, if you look at the sequence of these problems, it all started with the Novel which wrote criticism of the death of Ustaz Maaher At-Thuwailibi, who died at the Police Criminal Investigation Prison.

Novel wrote his criticism regarding the death of Ustaz Maaher on Tuesday, February 9 through his Twitter account @nazaqistsha. He questioned why the ustaz was ill was forced to be detained in the detention center by the police.

"Innalillahi Wainnailaihi Rojiun Ustadz Maaher died at the Police detention center. In the case of humiliation, detention, then illness. Org is sick, why are they forced to be detained? The authorities don't go too far ... Especially with Ustadz. This is not trivial, you know," wrote Novel Baswedan as quoted by VOI. .

Until finally, Novel was reported to Bareskrim Polri by the Deputy Chairperson of the DPP Youth, Student and Student Partnership for Community Protection (PPMK) Joko Priyoski on Thursday, 11 February.

"We reported Novel Baswedan because he had made a tweet on twitter which we suspected was making hoaxes and provocations," he said after reporting.

In this case, Joko reported Novel Baswedan by using Article 14, 15 of Law number 1 of 1946 and also of the ITE Law Article 45A paragraph 2 jo Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law 18 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law number 11. year 2008.

Not long after, Novel also responded to the report. Although initially reluctant to comment, in the end he said that reporting against him was odd because his tweets were only a form of concern for humanity.

"What I convey is a form of concern for humanity. Reporting is strange and I do not want to respond," he said.

He also assessed that so far he had never heard of a detainee in a death humiliation case in a detention center (remand center). So, this is what became his attention until he finally tweeted his statement on social media.

So that with the reporting related to his criticism, Novel considered it a strange thing.

"Precisely when such an important statement was reported, it was strange," he said.

"We almost never hear of a death humiliation prisoner in the detention room. So this is a problem, it is not natural to detain someone who is sick," he added.

Meanwhile, the head of the KPK Employee Council, Yudi Purnomo Harahap, regretted the report. He considered that this reporting was not in line with the attitude of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who asked the public to criticize the government.

"I regret the reports against the KPK investigators, especially since the government itself has been open to criticism," Yudi said in a written statement to reporters.

Even so, he assessed that the reporting on the novel did not interfere with his work. This is because the senior investigator continues to work as usual to lead the task force (task force) to uncover the corruption cases currently being handled by the anti-corruption commission.

"Bang Novel himself was not affected by the report. Earlier he was still working to lead his task force to uncover the corruption cases they were handling," he said.

For information, Ustaz Maaher At Thuwailibi alias Soni Ernata reportedly died in the Police Criminal Investigation cell. He died on Monday, February 8 at 19.00 WIB.

The cause of Ustaz Maher's death was due to a disease in his intestine. He died after previously undergoing treatment due to illness.

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