KARAWANG - Hundreds of students from the Karawang National Singapore University (Unsika) packed the People's Ideas Car to give their aspirations regarding the 2024 election.

The KedaiKopi Survey Institute's People's Idea Car visited Unsika, Monday, November 20, 2023 and was greeted enthusiastically by students who were willing to queue in cars filling out a number of questions with several options.

A number of issues of national concern were also responded to by students when answering questions.

"The issue of issues being asked to students includes the right of inquiry in the DPR, money politics and dynastic politics," said Rifqi Islami's People's Idea Car in charge.

Rifqi explained, these answers in real time were emblazoned on the Mentimeter on the People's Ideas Car monitor screen.

After the roadshow to the provinces of DKI Jakarta and West Java, the people's idea car will go to Banten province.

The People's Idea Car is a KedaiKopi program to capture the aspirations of the people in the 2024 election.

Head of BEM Fisip Unsika Aditya Syahran admitted that he was very enthusiastic about the People's Ideas Car.

"This is a new innovation that is more easily accepted by gen z because it uses the concept of a method to accommodate the aspirations of young people related to national issues and criteria for vice presidential candidates," said Aditya.

He said the People's Idea Car was a practical way and used digitalization to find out the expectations of the people in the future leaders of Indonesia.

"This activity can capture aspirations and we suggest that it be held on various campuses," said Aditya.

Political communication analyst Hendri Satrio when asked for his views on the People's Ideas Car said that proactive activities like this are considered a new way to find out the aspirations of the community.

"This car can capture people's ideas and expectations in the vice presidential candidate. And public opinion about the 2024 election can also be known. I think this is a good step," concluded Hensat.

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