JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, held a bilateral meeting with each member of the MIKTA state parliament to help overcome the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Ukraine, and other areas that are in conflict.

The MIKTA state parliament consists of Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and Australia.

"MIKTA must be a positive and constructive force in solving various global and regional problems," said Puan in Jakarta, Monday, November 20, as reported by Antara.

According to him, the global conflict that occurs is a shared responsibility for countries in the world.

"The fate of the world must not be determined by a handful of countries," said the chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP.

In addition to discussing global geopolitical tensions, Puan also invited all MIKTA parliaments to continue to establish inter-parlement relations through various collaborations, including inter-leading visits and members of parliament as well as efforts to support each other in international parliamentary forums.

"I believe, if cooperation between parliament continues to develop, then Indonesia's bilateral relations and other countries in MIKTA will also be stronger," said Puan.

He added that relations between MIKTA communities need to be improved in order to strengthen relations between MIKTA member countries, such as through cooperation in the tourism sector.

"Tourism is one sector that can strengthen relations between communities; not only to recognize the local community, but also tourists can recognize the culture of their respective countries," he explained.

In a meeting with the Chairman of the South Korean Parliament Kim Jin Pyo, Puan specifically hoped that Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) would be given more opportunities to work in the ginseng country.

"I also hope that more PMIs can fill the labor market in Korea," he said.

Meanwhile, at a bilateral meeting with the Vice President of the South Australian Senate Andrew Mclachan, Puan invited Australia to invest in the development of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in Kalimantan, considering that Australia is an important economic partner for Indonesia.

"I hope that in the future cooperation in the fields of trade and investment should be carried out on the basis of equality, mutually beneficial," he said.

In a bilateral meeting with each MIKTA parliamentary leader, Puan was accompanied by members of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) Irine Yusiana Roba Putri and Vanda Sarundajang.

When Puan met with Andrew Mclachan, Irine said that the Australian parliament welcomed Puan's invitation regarding investment in IKN Nusantara.

"Australian parliament will convey Mbak Puan's message to invest in IKN, because Australia has the experience of building a capital city," said the member of Commission V DPR RI.

Australian business actors are said to be investing in IKN development after One Global Capital founder and CEO Iwan Sunito expressed interest in investing in IKN.

The company often invests in real estate development that focuses on creating city-forming projects.

Meanwhile, in a meeting with the chairman of the Turkish parliament, Irine said Turkey supports Puan's statement about the importance of real action in supporting peace in Palestine.

During a meeting with the Turkish parliamentary delegation, they agreed to the importance of a "middle power" country voicing a ceasefire so that there are no more civilian casualties in Palestine. "Turkey wants to maximize its position as the closest access to Gaza," said Irine.

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