SAMARINDA - Class IIA State Detention Center (Rutan) Samarinda, East Kalimantan moved 49 Correctional Inmates (WBP) to prevent a crisis situation due to density of prison residents while ensuring security. "We transferred them to Samarinda Class II A Prison," said Samarinda Rutan Head Jul Herry Siburian, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, November 19.

According to Jul Herry, the number of inmates at the Samarinda Rutan currently reaches 1,226 people. In fact, the prison capacity is only 400 people. Thus, the detention center experienced an excess capacity of around 300 percent.

"This condition is very concerning, because it has an impact on the health, safety and comfort of the inmates and prison officials," he said.

Previously, the Samarinda Rutan had innovated with the construction of the Restorative Justice House in the detention center. The Restorative Justice house collaborated with the Samarinda District Attorney's Office, to overcome the excess capacity of detainees.

"I hope that the existence of the Restorative Justice House will be able to revive the positive values and norms that already exist in the community as an effort to solve the problem, before going towards final efforts," said Jul Herry.

Law Number 22 of 2022 concerning Corrections, he continued, stated that the correctional system was held to form correctional inmates so that they become fully human, realize mistakes, improve themselves, and do not repeat criminal acts so that they can be accepted back in the community.

The transfer of Correctional Inmates was carried out at 05.00 WITA, according to the Karutan Samarinda Instruction Jul Herry Siburian. The Head of the Sub-Section of the Educator Service, Prasetya Adi, and the Head of the Rutan Security Unit (KPR) Gilang Wisnu Wardhana led the implementation of the transfer of the inmates. "We carried out the tasks according to the applicable SOP. The activity became a mutation activity for the two inmates, previously the WBP mutation had been carried out to the Class IIA Samarinda Prison and the Tenggarong Women's Prison," said Didik Prasetya. The transfer of the inmates began with the apple and the direction of the Head of the Sub-Section of Service of Prisoners to the ranks.

Officers picked up the WBP which will be transferred to the hall. They underwent file checks and a three-finger stamp register, as well as a rapid health test by the surveying nurse. Those who tested negative from the rapid health test, were immediately transferred to the cash room for breakfast before leaving for the Samarinda Class II A Prison.

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