Sukabumi Police Shoot 2 Perpetrators Of Online Taxi Driver Killers
Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim personnel while escorting two youths suspected of being the perpetrators of the online taxi driver murder. (ANTARA)

SUKABUMI- Personnel from the Sukabumi City Police's Detective and Criminal Unit (Satreskrim) were forced to take decisive action measured by shooting the two young men's right calf who were suspected of being the perpetrators of the murder of an online taxi driver whose murder case occurred on Tuesday, yesterday.

"We arrested the two suspects, namely F (30) and DP (23) in the Depok City area on Friday, (17/11) but when they were about to be arrested, both of them fought the officers and tried to escape, so we had to take decisive and measured action to paralyze the suspect by shooting his calf," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Ari Setyawan Wibowo, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, November 19.

According to Ari, this case was revealed after residents suspected the Daihatsu Xenia B 1774 EYF car parked carelessly in front of a minimarket in Cireunghas District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

After seeing it, it turned out that there was a man whose condition was dead with his mouth covered with duct tape. The police who received the information went straight to the location and conducted a crime scene (TKP) and asked for information from several witnesses.

After an autopsy was carried out on the victim's body, it was revealed that his death was abnormal or killed. Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim personnel immediately conducted an investigation and developed this alleged murder case.

Then managed to reveal the identity of the victim who was a taxi driver from, where before being found dead, the victim had received orders from the two suspects on Monday, 6/11) night to take him to the Gunungputri area, Bogor Regency.

However, when they arrived at the location, the two suspects, who were residents of Cigugur and Cijulang, Pangandaran Regency, West Java, immediately smothered the victim and pulled his body from the driver's seat in the back or passenger seat.

The victim, who tried to resist and screamed, was smothered by the suspect using black duct tape. It is suspected that the victim was abused and unable to breathe because duct tape not only covered his mouth but also his nose and eyes.

After killing the victim, the two suspects took and left the victim's car and the body of the online taxi driver in the Cireunghas District area. After that the two fled.

"After being developed, we received information that the two suspects were in the Depok City area, which we later arrested. The suspect's motive was to control the victim's property, but because the victim died, both of them were confused and eventually left the body of the online taxi driver in his car," he added.

Ari said the two of them had now been thrown into the Sukabumi City Police detention cell for further purposes. As a result of their actions that deliberately took the lives of others, the Sukabumi City Police Satreskrim investigators charged the two suspects under Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning Murder with the threat of imprisonment of 20 years or life.

Then article 365 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code concerning violent theft which carries a maximum imprisonment of 15 years. For the evidence confiscated in the form of the victim's clothes, duct tape and the victim's car.

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