JAKARTA - The Indonesian Air Force lost four of its best officers in the crash incident as well as two EMB-314 Super Tucano one-engine tactical fighter aircraft belonging to the TNI-AU on the slopes of Bromo, Pasuruan, East Java, Thursday (16/11) morning.

Investigation by the Airworthiness and Safety Center of Air and Air Force Work, said Kadispen TNI AU Marsma R. Agung Sasongkojati, continued after the black box (black box) of the two aircraft was found.

The black box contains flight data recorder (FDR) such as altitude, speed and circulation of fuel and cockpit voice recorder (CVR) containing recorded conversations in the cockpit (on fighter aircraft, between pilots and autopilot), interpilot or with control tower officers.

The black box - which is orange so that it is easy to find - is placed in the safest part of the aircraft, heat-resistant up to 1,000 degrees Celsius, resilient and impacted, and waterproof up to a depth of 6,000 meters and capable of transmitting signals from a depth of 14,000 feet.

Although he could not confirm it, Agung dismissed the estimates that the two planes collided, considering that the emergency locator transmitter (ELT) or emergency signal transmitter on both planes did not turn on simultaneously.

"ELT one of the planes (which crashed) was indeed on, but only a few moments later (not detailed the time difference), followed by the other ELT plane,

"Because ELT does not turn on simultaneously, there may not be a collision. However, I cannot conclude yet," said Agung during a press conference at the Lanuma Abdulrachman Saleh apron, Malang (16/11).

Two planes in a normal flying formation, suddenly falling without friction or collision, seems to be the first time a disaster for the Indonesian Air Force even though it is thick fog that closes visibility is probably one of the causes

"The distance, blind (closed or blind)," said one of the pilots from two other safe planes returning to the base.

Non-Flight Crew Questioned

Questions had arisen regarding allegations of irregularities in the presence of a non-flight qualification middle officer, namely Colonel Admin. Widiono, who was sitting in the back seat of one of the unlucky planes. He died along with three other crew members in the accident.

Agung reasoned that the administrative exhibition (HR) was invited to fly in order to understand flight operations, especially when the flying formation at that time was not dangerous because it was not a combat maneuver.

The two aircraft lost contact at 11.18 WIB were found on the potato plant (1,500 m above sea level) in a separate location on the slopes of Mount Bromo, Watugedek area, Kedawung Village, Puspo District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java.

In the last three years, there have been three accidents of Indonesian Air Force aircraft, the first experienced by further training aircraft and British-made HS Hawk 209 light attack in the Siak Hulu area, Kampar Regency, June 15, 2020.

The pilot, First Lieutenant Pnb Aprijanto from Skadron 12 Roesmin Nurjadin Air Base, Pekanbarau managed to save himself with an ejection seat.

Second, the South Korean-made T-50i Golden Eagle training plane crashed in the mountainous area of Nginggil Village, Kradenan District, Blora, Central Java, July 18, 2022, killing its crew, First Lieutenant Pnb. Alan Safitra.

The operation of all Super Tucano MB 314 aircraft by the TNI was temporarily suspended (in-grounded), while waiting for the results of investigations related to the cause of the disaster.

One of the aircraft numbered TT-3111 was piloted by Lt. Col. Pnb Sandhra Gunawan and in the back seat (backshower) Kol. Adm Widiono, the other number TT-3103 was piloted by Major Pnb Yudha A Seta and Kol. Pnb Subhan in the back seat. They all received a one-level promotion award,

Flying Undangerous Formation

Four Super Tucano aircraft operated by the 21st Air Squadron took off from Abdulrachman Saleh Air Base, Malang in a box formation (two pairs in front and two behind) at an altitude of 2,438 m, Thursday (16/11) at 10.51 WIB.

Two planes were declared missing contact at 11.18 during routine training in the formation (proficiency formation flight). The rubble and the four bodies of the crew were found on the slopes of Mount Bromo, while the other two planes returned to the base safely.

EMB-314 Super Tucano made by the Embraer Defense System, Brazil is a type of turboprop single-engine low-wing training aircraft that can also function as light air support and antigerily (contra-insurgency - Coin) support.

Since its introduction in 2004, its predecessor EMB-312 has produced 650 units and is used by 15 countries including Indonesia, while Brazil is the largest user (130 units).

The zero weight of the EMB-314 Super Tucano is 3.2 tons, 11.42 m long, 11.14 m wingspan, 3.9 m high driven by the Pratt & Whitney engine, Canada with 1,600 HP, maximum speed. 590 km / h, flying altitude of up to 35.000 feet and a range of 1.320 km.

As a tactical fighter, the EMB-314 is armed with two light canons on both wings and five cannings (two each on both wings and one on the fuselage) that can buy bombs, a total rocket weighing 1,550 kg.

In the previous disaster, an EMB-314 of the Indonesian Air Force hit a resident's house in Malang City, February 2016, killing two crew members and two local residents.

Purchase of 16 units of Super Tucano EMB-314 variant A29B (double seats) for the Indonesian Air Force worth a total of IDR 285 million US dollars (around IDR 2.57 trillion at that time) was signed in 2020 and 2011, while the delivery was gradual from 2012 to February 2016.

Replace OV-10 And HS Hawk Mk-53

The EMB-314 aircraft by the TNI-AU were used to replace the US-made OV-10 Bronco tactical fighter and British-made HS Hawk Mk-53 which had entered retirement age.

Aircraft disasters can be caused by extreme weather (storm winds, turbulence), mechanical failure, (a.l. machinery, equipment) or software, and last but not least, could also be due to human errors (physical and psychological conditions, the influence of drugs, lack of training, negligence).

Given that more than 70 percent of aircraft accidents are caused by human error, it takes readiness,samaptahan, reliability, and safety of crew, especially pilots and air traffic controllers and on-ground technicians who handle operations and maintenance.

Demanded a perfect score (100), 99 alone is not enough for pilots, crew and other officers involved in the flight because the slightest error can be fatal for an airplane full of advanced and expensive technology and large costs to educate its crew.

The statement that the plane is in good condition, airworthy, mentally and physically healthy, and has high flight hours every time an accident occurs, must be accompanied by super-strict supervision, not just rhetoric or routines, so that similar incidents do not repeat themselves.

A thorough, transparent, and imposition of strict sanctions without ewuh-pakewuh for those who are guilty must be carried out fairly and fairly.

*) The author is the former Deputy Editor-in-Chief of LKBN BETWEEN

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