SAMARINDA - The Samarinda District Attorney (Kejari), East Kalimantan, has suspended three charges against three suspects based on Restorative Justice (Restorative Justice/RJ), after the victim forgiven the suspect's actions and made peace.

"The three suspects whose charges have been stopped are Hen for the theft case, RKS for the assault case, and Rus in the theft case. The three of them received RJ after fulfilling the requirements according to the provisions," said Samarinda Kejari Head Firmansyah Subhan, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, November 18.

The termination of this demand was carried out after on Friday, November 17, Kajari Samarinda issued a Termination of Prosecution (SKP2) against three suspects.

To obtain this RJ, the facilitating prosecutor had previously facilitated a meeting between each victim and the suspect on October 30, as stipulated in the Regulation of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice.

In the mediation, the suspect apologized directly to the victim and promised not to repeat his actions, the victim did not mind resolving this case amicably and was willing to forgive the suspect.

"The result of the mediation is that the victim and the suspect agreed to make peace and forgive each other," said Firmansyah accompanied by the Head of the Intelligence Section of the Samarinda Kejari Erfandy Rusdy Quiliem.

Furthermore, on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, the Head of the Samarinda District Attorney's Office, Firmansyah Subhan, accompanied by the Head of General Crimes, Indra Rivani, and the Facilitator Prosecutors, carried out the presentation of the RJ case to the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office.

There are several conditions that must be met to obtain RJ, including the suspect for the first time committing a crime, the threat of a fine or being threatened with imprisonment of no more than five years, the value of evidence or the value of the loss incurred was not more than Rp. 2.5 million.

"Then there is recovery in its original state by the suspect by returning the goods obtained, replacing the victim's losses, replacing the costs or repairing the damage, there is a peace agreement between the victim and the suspect, and the community responds positively," said Erfandy.

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