JAKARTA - The minibus that got lost in the forest of Putri Mountain, Maniis Village, Majalengka Regency, West Java, was successfully evacuated by the joint team.

"We can already evacuate the car from the forest", said Head of Cingambul Police, Majalengka Police, AKP Udin Saepudin in Majalengka, quoted by Antara, Sunday, February 14.

The evacuation of the Toyota Avanza Z-1167 LD minibus that got lost in the Putri Mountain Forest of the Maniis Tonggoh Block, Maniis Village, Cingambul District, Majalengka Regency, could only be done a day after the incident.

According to him, the location of the lost minibus is quite far from the main road. There was even a landslide leading to where the car was.

AKP Udin said that the evacuation was carried out on Sunday, February 14 at around 10:00 WIB, because the terrain was also quite heavy, so it needed sunny weather and adequate equipment.

"We are also assisted by volunteers from Tasikmalaya to use a special car to evacuate", he said.

The minibus that got lost was carrying seven passengers, where they would return to Tasikmalaya after leaving Cirebon.

However, after arriving at the scene, the minibus got lost in the forest 5 kilometers from the main road.

"The road conditions at the time of the incident were covered in thick fog and heavy rain. However, all passengers are confirmed to be safe", said AKP Udin.

The car gets lost in the Gunung Putri Majalengka Forest (via ANTARA)

According to him, the police received a report that a minibus got lost while on the road to the forest on Putri Mountain at around 23.00 WIB, Friday, February 12.

Members and local residents immediately moved to find a minibus with seven passengers, along the road where the vehicle was used.

"We found it on Saturday (13/2) in the morning around 02.00 WIB", said AKP Udin.

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