JAKARTA - Member of DPRD DKI from the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Justin Untayana again highlighted the statement of the Provincial Government (Pemprov) regarding river normalization activities which are still listed in Chapter IV.

Justin said that the Head of the DKI Jakarta Bappeda should convey this matter in detail. So, there is no misunderstanding or other things.

"The term normalization in chapter IV, as pointed out by the Head of Bappeda, should be read in the context of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's flood management program. We ask the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to provide complete information with a complete context," Justin said in his statement, Saturday, February 13.

Previously, member of the PSI DPRD DKI Fraction Justin Untayana said that the river normalization program was removed in the draft revised RPJMD. Justin regrets the attitude of Anies, who has served for 3 years, but has not been able to acquire land for the normalization program.

"The problem is, Pak Anies has been serving as governor for more than 3 years, but the promise of the river naturalization and normalization campaign seems like nothing has been realized at all. If Pak Anies removes river normalization from the RPJMD document, then the residents of Jakarta will suffer losses due to the continuing floods, "Justin said in his statement.

However, Head of DKI Bappeda Nasruddin Djoko Surjono. Nasruddin dismissed the accusation from the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) that Anies proposed to abolish normalization, which is a legacy program of former DKI Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.

"River normalization activities are still being carried out as an integrated part of flood control efforts in Jakarta and are not removed from the 2017-2022 RPJMD changes," Nasruddin said in his statement, Wednesday, February 10.

Nasruddin said river normalization activities are still listed in Chapter IV. This is also in line with the joint agreement on the Action Plan for Flood and Landslide Management in the Jabodetabekpunjur Area 2020-2024.

Where, the Ministry of PUPR will carry out the construction of flood control in rivers / rivers which is the authority of the Central Government and the Regional Government to support land acquisition at the river / river locations to be worked on.

"In fact, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has been carrying out land acquisition on rivers / rivers, which supports the normalization implementation by the Central Government," said Nasruddin.

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