JAKARTA - Gibran Rakabuming Raka is said to have a chance to advance in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Governor Election. But it is not easy to conquer political contestation in the capital.

Political observer Igor Dirgantara said that Gibran, who won the Solo Pilkada, had to prove his performance in his hometown.

"Gibran certainly has the opportunity to advance in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election, if he is able to prove his leadership as Mayor of Solo with a good performance," said Igor when contacted by VOI, Friday, February 12.

The 2024 regional elections, according to Igor, provide opportunities for millennials. This condition is suitable for Gibran, who already has a millennial youth leader circle branding.

"However, to be able to win in the 2024 DKI Jakarta Regional Election is not an easy matter.

Gibran won the 2020 Pilwalkot Solo only against pairs of independent candidates, not figures promoted by political parties. Indeed, in the election contestation, the figures that are carried are far more important than the parties that carry them. But if Anies Baswedan comes forward again, he has loyal ideological voters in Jakarta, especially since Anies is also an incumbent figure who is considered a representation for people who are at odds with the government, "explained the lecturer at Jayabaya University.

The level of popularity of President Jokowi's son in Solo is indeed high. But not necessarily proportional to conditions in Jakarta.

Igor said that there are three factors that determine the victory in the 2024 DKI Regional Election, namely the issues at play, political party support and voter factors, namely millennials and moderate Muslims.

"Gibran may easily get support from political parties, but dynastic politics will certainly be played hard, and this can influence millennial and moderate Muslim voters in Jakarta. If Gibran was not the son of President Jokowi, he certainly would not have been promoted and supported in the previous Pilwalkot Solo, let alone the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. " he said.

"However, Gibran's chances of advancing remain wide open. There is still a long time for Gibran to show his capabilities as Mayor of Solo with his programs and performance. Gibran can make the most of his political stage in Solo first, "continued Igor.

Meanwhile, PDI-P does not want to think about Gibran running for the 2024 DKI Gubernatorial Election. In addition to the 'tug-of-war' about the timing of the Pilkada, PDIP has an internal mechanism to determine who will be nominated in the next Pilkada including the DKI Pilgub.

"There has been no political decision on when (the implementation of the follow-up elections, red). We also don't want to suppose, to be sure, the recruitment stage of our prospective candidate will go through. So, whoever can follow the mechanism, "said Gembong Warsono, the head of the PDIP faction at the DPRD, contacted by VOI, Friday, February 12

The mechanism referred to by Gembong is the selection of prospective candidates in the PDIP DPD. The names who pass at the DPD level will be discussed again at the central leadership council (DPP) level to make a decision.

"When it comes to cadres who want to be placed, that is one of the tasks of the political parties, to produce cadres to be placed. The question is, of course, preparation as a political party, so be ready for the political arena in DKI. The question of when (Pilkada implementation) is the domain of the DPR RI, we are just waiting for the political decisions to be decided by the DPR RI together with the government, "said Gembong.

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