The South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office Investigative Team detained three suspects for alleged corruption in fulfilling tax obligations in the jurisdiction of the South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office.

Assistant for Special Crimes at the South Sumatra Attorney General's Office Abdullah Noer Denny emphasized that the three of them were officially detained after previously being named as suspects for receiving tax gratuities.

"In addition to the alleged recipient of gratuities related to taxes, the suspects are also suspected of abusing their authority in positions," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 6.

He explained that it was possible that the case would be developed.

Terutama, penyidikan terkait pemberi gratifikasi dalam hal ini terhadap pembawa pajak yang saat ini sedang dilakukan penyidik Pidsus Kejati Sumsel.

The granting of gratuities to the suspects was in the form of money, but the nominal could not be published.

"Because we are still waiting for the results of the audit of the calculation of state losses," he said.

Previously, the Head of the South Sumatra Attorney General's Office, Vanny Yulia Eka Sari, explained that the suspects were the parties suspected of being responsible for the occurrence of the Corruption Crime.

"The three are RFG, NWP, RFH who are tax personnel at the Palembang Primary Tax Office in 2019, 2020, 2021," he said.

It is known that the case mode ensnared three ASN officers from the Palembang city, starting with a report allegedly that the three were suspected of cutting taxes into private bags.

This was explained by the former Head of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) Sarjono Turin during the determination of the suspect some time ago.

At that time Sarjono gave an example, the taxes deposited for the state should have been Rp1 billion but the suspects were not in full.

The three of them are suspected of committing a criminal act of corruption in the form of bribery and gratification,

Meanwhile, the two taxpayers from the company were also named suspects, but the investigation authority was in the tax PPNS.

Meanwhile, after being summoned and questioned for several hours by investigators in the special criminal field of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati), three suspects in the tax corruption case, Monday, November 6, 2023 night.

Previously, three corruption suspects attended the second appropriate summons and were questioned by investigators as suspects on the 6th floor of the South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office building.

At around 19:47 WIB, the three suspects wearing sacred vests descended from the 6th floor escorted by the Attorney General's Office to the detention car for detention at the Palembang Women's Detention Center and Prison.

The lawyer for the suspect Alamsyah Hanafiah said the Attorney General's Office did not disclose or cover up evidence.

According to him, to detain and determine the suspect, at least two pieces of valid evidence are in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code and the Constitutional Court's law, at least two valid pieces of evidence. Investigators must be open with the suspect or with a legal representative. Then the Attorney General's Office concluded that this was a gratification of a civil servant accepting so that they had received profits from the business.

However, the gratuity of the five givers and recipients should not only detain and determine the only recipient, because the PT giver is not named a suspect.

"We have legal remedies, I will not open them now as long as I am given the mandate that my client will do it," he concluded.

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