The Tanjungbalai Police, North Sumatra, arrested two men who visited nightclubs, BI (29) and PR, for allegedly consuming methamphetamine.
"When a urine test was carried out on two visitors to this entertainment venue, they were positive for methamphetamine. Next, we took them to the Tanjungbalai Police Station for further investigation," said Tanjungbalai Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Rudy Chandra, quoted from Antara, Sunday, November 5.
In addition to securing the two perpetrators, the police also confiscated evidence of a set of shabu or bong suction devices, empty glass/pirex pipettes, two empty transparent plastic clips, two red gas mancis.
The raids at nightclubs took place on Saturday, November 4 yesterday. The police deployed one Dalmas vehicle (mass control), three patrol cars from the Traffic Unit, three units from the Sabhara Unit Car and one unit from the local Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).
In addition, said Chandra, the Tanjungbalai Police also carried out large-scale patrols in their area by securing 12 motorbikes that used Brong exhaust and without police license plates.
"This is done in order to realize the security and security situation and a safe and conducive situation," he said.
"In the raid, two patrol cars from the Samapta Unit were also deployed, one unit of the Traffic Unit car and one unit of the Datuk Bandar Police patrol car to anticipate acts of street crime, gambling, alcohol, thuggery and others," he said.
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