BEKASI - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bekasi Regency, West Java has named 854 names on the list of permanent candidates (DCT) for legislative members in the 2024 Bekasi Regency DPRD Member Election.

Head of the Bekasi Regency KPU Ali Rido said that the DCT composition consisted of 302 women and 552 men.

"We have determined the results of the recapitulation in accordance with PKPU Number 10 of 2023. The determination in Bekasi Regency is also carried out properly by 18 parties in accordance with the one today fulfilling the invitation," said Ali Rido in Cikarang, Saturday.

Ali said that the determination of the DCT was based on the results of a coordination forum with all chairmen, members, and administrative staff using the Candidate Information System (Silon) application from each party.

"A funeral has been carried out so that it appears in DCT. Until now we have not found any changes, exactly according to the data on the legislative candidates proposed by the party," he said.

According to him, the stage of determining DCT is the result of the work of a political party team for several months, including when carrying out the repair process in the form of administrative completeness of prospective candidates.

"We will then publish this candidate list to the public so that the public can conduct direct checks," he said.

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