JAKARTA - In an effort to control the COVID-19 pandemic, the government is trying to do various ways. One of them is by calling on the public to comply with the 3M health protocol (wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance) and doing 3T (Testing, Tracing, and Treatment).

Health interventions to accelerate control are also pursued through vaccination to achieve group immunity with a target target of 181.5 million people.

Government Spokesperson for Vaccination from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said that her party is quite happy that Indonesia has succeeded in vaccinating more than 1 million health workers.

"To suppress the COVID-19 pandemic, the government does not only appeal to the enforcement of 3M discipline but also strengthens 3T," he said in a dialogue with the theme "3M + 3T: Jurus Tengku Overcoming Pandemic" held by KPCPEN and broadcast live on Youtube FMB9ID_IKP, Thursday 11 February.

Furthermore, Siti Nadia explained, currently Indonesia already has 630 examining laboratories for PCR tests, but this is not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, so the testing must be increased.

"WHO itself has recommended screening using a rapid antigen test to diagnose COVID-19," he said.

Meanwhile, FKM UI Epidemiologist Syahrizal Syarif explained that the WHO has approved the rapid antigen test as a diagnostic tool in certain circumstances. The sensitivity is also above 80 percent and the specificity is above 97 percent.

"I see this as a breakthrough from the Ministry of Health," said Syahrizal.

The purpose of using this rapid antigen test is to help quickly detect transmission and thus the government can quickly trace patient contacts. So it is hoped that cases can be found early and treatment is also carried out earlier.

With this rapid antigen, if the results are positive, they should be able to immediately carry out independent isolation, while waiting for the PCR test results. Syahrizal supports the government's move to impose rapid antigen tests as a diagnostic tool.

"This situation will indeed increase case reports, but as the Minister of Health said, we should not panic that our daily cases will increase," said Syahrizal.

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