JAKARTA - Director of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Dirdik Jampidsus) of the Attorney General's Office Kuntadi said that his party was still investigating and looking for evidence where the flow of Rp40 billion money received by Achsanul Qosasi from the accused in the corruption case of the BTS 4G infrastructure development project BAKTI Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), whether to enrich himself or flow to other parties.

"Until now, we are still investigating it, we are still looking for evidence where the flow of money is, of course, it is our investigative material," said Kuntadi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, November 4.

Jampidsus investigators have just named Achsanul Qosasi, a member of III of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) as a suspect in a case of alleged corruption in the receipt of money amounting to approximately Rp40 billion which is suspected to be related to his position.

The money was obtained by Achsanul Qosasi from the defendant Irwan Hermawan through the suspects Windy Purnama and Sadikin Rusli, which were given on July 19, 2022 at 18.50 WIB at a hotel in the Jakarta area.

Achsanul Qosasi is said to have received Rp40 billion from the defendant IH related to his position, but Kuntadi intended the money for what is still being investigated, whether in order to influence the investigation process at the Prosecutor's Office or in order to influence the BPK audit process.

Kuntadi said the incident occurred when his party initially conducted an investigation. In addition, in calculating the value of state losses in this case, the Jampidsus investigating prosecutor did not ask for a BPK audit, but through the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

"We are still investigating whether the Rp40 billion money is in order to influence our investigation process, or in order to influence the BPK audit process," he said.

Achsanu Qosasi became the 16th suspect in the mega corruption case of the BTS 4G Bakti Kominfo infrastructure development project which caused state financial losses of Rp. 8.32 trillion. He was charged with the same article as the suspect Sadikin Rusli, namely Article 12B, Article 12e or Article 5 paragraph (2) letter b in conjunction with Article 15 of the Anti-Corruption Law or Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Money Laundering Law.

The other 15 suspects in this case, namely as many as six people have been prosecuted at the trial, namely Anang Achmad Latif, Yohan Suryanto, Gelumbang Menak Simanjuntak, Mukti Ali, Irwan Hermawan and Johnny G Plate.

Then the two suspects are in stage two in the transfer process to the Central Jakarta District Court, namely Windy Purnama, and Muhammad Yusriski Muliawan. The case files of the two are planned to be transferred between October 16 or 17.

Furthermore, seven suspects are still under investigation, namely Jemy Sutjiawan, Elvano Hatorangan, M Ferriandi Mirza, Walbertus Natalius Wisang (Article 21), Naek Parulian Washington Hutahaean or Edward Hutahaean (Article 15) and Sadikin Rusli (Article 15). On Tuesday (31/10), Jampidsus investigators named the 15th suspect with the initials MAK as the Head of Public Relations Development UI.

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