JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic must be dealt with together by implementing the 3M health protocol: washing hands, maintaining distance, and wearing masks. Important community activities such as work cannot be avoided, therefore the Regent of Temanggung, Muhammad Al Khadziq asked the community to continue to maintain 3M discipline.
"I invite ten people of Temanggung and all of Indonesia to continue wearing masks wherever they travel, washing their hands frequently with soap, and always keeping a distance from other people," he said when met in Temanggung, Central Java some time ago.
Muhammad Al Khadziq admitted that he could not completely destroy community activities because the needs continued. "Do you have to do your daily activities, you have to work, you have to earn money, you have to go out sometimes. But you must always wear a mask wherever you go. Wash your hands and always keep your distance," he said.
Community discipline in complying with 3M has a major impact on breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19. "In this way we can break the chain of transmission of COVID-19 so that COVID-19 will soon disappear from Indonesia. In Temanggung people do their usual activities, but always obey 3M. Currently Temanggung is in the lower orange zone," he said.
Inevitably, Al Khadziq said that being exposed to COVID-19 was not a disgrace. People must help each other if someone is exposed.
"The Tenanggung community has high mutual cooperation characteristics. So that if there are neighbors who suffer from COVID-19, they can help each other overcome economic problems, provide basic necessities, and so on," he said.
Apart from 3M, the vaccination that the government is running provides new hope in order to win against COVID-19. "Vaccination for the first resistant health personnel has been completed in Temanggaung. Later, when it is the turn of the community to be vaccinated, don't hesitate, let's support the government's vaccination program together," he concluded.
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