JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko said he was ready to facilitate PT Asuransi Jiwasraya's customers to have a meeting with the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir. Later, during the meeting, customers can ask about the fate of their insurance money.

He conveyed this in an activity entitled KSP Hearing to answer a question from the Jiwasraya Victim Customer Forum.

Initially, a customer from the customer forum asked that an audience be held between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and these insurance customers. Because, they feel that no solution or option has been given to them.

In response to this, Moeldoko assessed that customers should not directly mediate with President Jokowi on the grounds of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to him, in the midst of a pandemic like this it would be difficult to meet the president because of a number of tightening measures being made. So, his party will try to facilitate these customers to meet with Erick Thohir and his staff to clarify their fate.

"In my opinion, the most effective thing is to meet with the Minister of BUMN. If needed, we will invite the ladies or our team to the KSP. we are mediating, "said Moeldoko in the event broadcast online, Thursday, February 11.

According to him, meeting Erick Thohir is the most appropriate answer compared to meeting President Jokowi. However, Moeldoko asked that his statement not be interpreted as saying that his party was prohibiting customers from meeting with the president.

"I think this is down to the Ministry of BUMN, so it does not mean that we are blocking or limiting the presdien from being able to meet. No. But in the atmosphere of COVID, there is a strict or stricter protocol," he said.

"So everything really needs to be limited. Don't go to the president because he has so many affairs," he concluded.

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