JAKARTA - A herbal medicine trader named Ngatiyem (73) was found dead on his rented house on Jalan Sungai Kamar X Canalan, Cilincing, North Jakarta. It is suspected that Ngatiyem died due to illness.
Cilincing Police Chief, Police Commissioner Fernando Saharta Saragi said the incident occurred on Monday, October 30, at 12.30 WIB.
"It's true, a woman's body was found in the rented area of Semper Barat," Fernando said in his statement, Monday, October 30.
Fernando explained that the incident began when the bank's debt collector visited the victim's house because the payment had matured.
The collector also tried to knock and call the victim. However, there was no answer from the occupants of the rented house.
Then the mobile bank driver ventured to open the door to the rented house. He said at that time the smell was rotten. Then saw the victim in a supine position on the bed with a black body and swollen," he said.
For this incident, the debt collector reported to witnesses Warnoto and Susanti who continued to report to the police.
The police who went to the crime scene (TKP) immediately investigated and evacuated the victim.
"That the victim's body was swollen black and emitted an unpleasant aroma. It is suspected that the victim died for more than 1x24 hours," he said.
Based on the examination of witnesses, the victim last met with residents on Saturday, October 28, in the morning. He admitted that he had chest pain.
The victim had complained to the witness that his chest was tight, he said the victim had been taken to the hospital for an autopsy.
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