PALEMBANG - President Joko Widodo inaugurated a centralized domestic waste management system (SPALDT) project that has important value for the local community.

"For the past nine years, I have inaugurated many dams, airports, toll roads, ports and various other infrastructures. But this is the first time this has been the first time in nine years that I inaugurated a centralized domestic waste water management system," said Jokowi after inaugurating the SPALDT project. reported by ANTARA, Thursday, October 26.

President Jokowi emphasized that the centralized domestic waste water management system is very important to improve public health, as well as improve environmental quality.

"Kita tahu Sungai Musi ini sangat penting bagi masyarakat di Provinsi Sumsel, khususnya di Kota Palembang. Namun kita juga tau Sungai Musi juga dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk mandikan dan mendukung kegiatan rumah tangga lainnya padahal Sungai Musi sudah terpolah sampah sehingga dapat membahayakan kondisi kesehatan masyarakat," ujarnya yang didampingi PJ Wali Kota Palembang Ratu Dewa.

According to the president, the existence of this domestic waste management system is very important to reduce pollution in the musi river which can endanger public health and reduce environmental quality in Palembang.

"I welcome the operation of this waste water management system, which is built a budget of Rp1.32 trillion. This is the result of collaboration cooperation between the Australian Government, which is the largest, Rp690 billion, then the central government Rp624 billion and the local government Rp24 billion," he said.

Jokowi also expressed his gratitude to the Australian Government for helping this project for the community so that it can be realized.

"Now it only reaches 10 percent of the population of Palembang, later it can be continued so that the Musi River is cleaner, more beautiful, and the people living around it can be healthier and more safe to do," he added.

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