The Sumbawa District Attorney's Office (Kejari) is investigating the findings of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Representative Audit Agency (BPK) regarding the debt of the Sumbawa Regional General Hospital (RSUD) worth IDR 70.2 billion in the 2021-2022 period.

"So, the BPK's LHP (report on the results of the examination) regarding the debt is already in our hands, now it is in the process of being investigated," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Sumbawa Kejari Indra Zulkarnaen, in Mataram, NTB, Thursday, October 26, confiscated by Antara.

The deepening of BPK's findings, he said, began to lead to data collection and information from parties who knew and were involved in budget management at the Sumbawa Hospital.

He revealed that the NTB BPK LHP had requested that the commitment-making official (PPK) in charge of managing the budget at the Sumbawa Hospital be responsible for the emergence of the debt.

Indra said that the PPK in the last two years was dr. Dede Hasan Basri who holds the position of Director of the Sumbawa Hospital.

Dede was also revealed to be a defendant in the alleged corruption case in the management of funds from the regional public service agency (BLUD) at the Sumbawa Hospital in 2022.

At the follow-up trial held at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court, Wednesday, October 25, it was also revealed that the debt of Sumbawa Hospital from the testimony of dr. Nieta Ariyani replaces dr. Dede Hasan Basri as Director of Sumbawa Hospital since his inauguration on February 14, 2023.

Nieta said before the panel of judges that she was aware of the Rp70.2 billion debt from the results of the NTB BPK reconciliation with the NTB Inspectorate.

During the trial, dr. Dede, Nieta explained about the debt, namely that there were those that emerged from work contracts with a number of hospital goods procurement companies and management of health services.

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