JAKARTA - The government issued a policy on the Enforcement of Micro-scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM Mikro), namely up to the RT / RW level for the control of COVID-19. PPKM Micro is implemented from 9-22 February 2021 which applies to 7 provinces namely, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Banten, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, and Bali.

"The principle of PPKM Micro is actually a limitation, not a prohibition. This restriction is made on a scale. Then as time goes on, the handling is getting smaller and more targeted," explained the Coordinator of the Expert Team and the Government Spokesperson for Handling COVID-19, Prof. Wiku Adisasmito in his written statement, Wednesday, February 10.

He said this in the Productive Dialogue with the theme "PPKM Micro: Joint Steps, Love Indonesia" held by the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), Wednesday, February 10.

"We have analyzed the PPKM volumes I and II after being implemented in 98 regencies / cities in Java-Bali, in the fourth week the transmission began to decrease. At the end of the third week of PPKM implementation, the number of active cases was 16.24 percent, then at the end of the fourth week it fell to 15.23 percent. If it is applied more micro-like now, it will be more effective, "said Wiku.

In its application, PPKM Mikro limits the capacity of office activities, restaurants, and places of worship by up to 50 percent. For school activities carried out online.

Then the Village or Kelurahan area is obliged to establish a post consisting of several elements of society. The PPKM Mikro application also implements a zoning policy for controlling areas up to the RT level: the green zone has no positive cases, the yellow zone if there are 1-5 houses with positive cases, the orange zone if there are 6-10 houses with positive cases, and the red zone if there are more than 10 houses that have positive cases.

The Director General of Regional Administration Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Safrizal ZA, explained that this zone determination indicator is indeed simpler than the determination of the zone at the Regency / City or Provincial level.

"This provides an easier space for tracing suspected active cases at the RT level. Then houses that are not exposed can help their neighbors in providing food or whatever is needed so that people don't feel left out," said Safrizal.

The implementation of this Micro PPKM will be carried out by members of the Village Posko consisting of village officials, Satlinmas, Babinsa, Babinkamtibmas, community leaders, and traditional leaders in the environment so that the handling is more specific.

According to Safrizal, his party has also coordinated with the Ministry of Villages and other Ministries, so that village funds including other income in the APBDes can be used to meet village needs, at least 8 percent or depending on individual needs.

"The process of establishing a post in this village or kelurahan will take time. But we are trying to establish it as soon as possible. Later, if necessary, using village funds to strengthen the prevention sector, community crafts can be turned on in making masks using village funds. So that no citizen does not wear masks with them. the reason for not having a mask, "explained Safrizal.

Safrizal added that the implementation of PPKM Micro itself is a participatory effort or mutual cooperation from all elements of society. This effort is in order to overcome and contain the faster rate of transmission of COVID-19.

"All parties are asked to participate in protecting themselves, their families, neighbors and the country," he explained.

Regarding the concern that this Micro PPKM will make it difficult for small business actors, Wiku said that business actors will benefit more from this policy.

"Restrictions on activities are not carried out extensively, so the potential to carry out economic and social activities that are safe from COVID-19 can be done. This is a form of controlling COVID-19 which is not only in terms of health but also socio-economy. In essence, this policy shows that all have role to work and contribute to solving the pandemic, "concluded Wiku.

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