The Cianjur Police Traffic Unit, West Java, is still investigating the cause of the minibus accident belonging to the East Java Dhuafa Al-um Tangerang Orphanage on Jalan Raya Puncak Cianjur, Tuesday, October 24. Four passengers were killed and dozens injured.
Head of the Cianjur Police Traffic Unit AKP Adhi Prasidya said the temporary suspicion was that the cause of the accident was because the vehicle brakes were not working or failed. As a result, the driver had difficulty controlling the minibus with number B 7079 TXA until he hit a cliff on the side of the road and fell.
"As a result, four people died, six people were seriously injured and 15 others were injured. The injured were taken to the Cimacan Hospital for medical assistance. Minibuses traveling from Puncak to Cianjur had swerved and lost control," he said in Cianjur, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 24.
Adhi explained that a number of passengers who were children bounced out of the minibus and died at the scene.
Residents who saw the incident immediately approached the location to help the victims, most of whom were trapped in the minibus. Officers who came managed to evacuate the victim and immediately took him to the Cimacan Hospital, including the victim who died.
"The victim was injured until Tuesday evening and is still undergoing treatment at the hospital, while the deceased has been brought by the foundation to be buried in Tanggerang, Banten Province," he said.
Kasatlantas added that his party was still waiting for the results of the physical inspection of the vehicle and the processing of the crime scene carried out with the Cianjur Transportation Service to determine the cause of the single accident which resulted in the death of four people.
"We are still waiting for the results of the vehicle's physical check and the results of the crime scene processed by joint officers to determine the cause of the accident which was suspected to be due to the failed brake," he said.
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