BANTEN - The Tangerang City Government (Pemkot) will build a water reservoir on the south side of the Rawa Cat Final Disposal Site (TPA) as a water source to help propagate firefighters (damkar) in the process of extinguishing.

Tangerang Mayor Arief R Wismansyah said he had instructed the PUPR Service to dredge and refill water.

"The goal is to have additional water reservoirs south of Gate 2 so that when another fire appears, the extinguishing process will be faster," said Arief at the Rawa Cat TPA, Tangerang, Tuesday, October 24, which was confiscated by Antara.

Arif has also asked the sub-district head to coordinate with the authorities so that the PUPR Service can immediately build a reservoir. "The point is to increase the supply of water for fire vehicles," he said.

Head of the Department of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) Tangerang City, Rizal Ridolloh, added that he had deployed 22 tank trucks in the field of the park to supply water needs for fire engines.

He said the tanker truck took water from PDAM Tirta Benteng and the Cisadane River which were then distributed to fire engines. "We function for a while, but we still spray the park. We arrange the personnel schedule," he said.

Tangerang City BPBD Head Maryono Hasan said 59 tank trucks were recorded as assisting in handling fires at the Rawa Cat TPA.

"We maximize all facilities and assistance from various parties. The need for water is very large for the blackout process," he said.

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