JAKARTA - Commission VIII of the DPR RI considers the political year to be very crucial because it can spark debate between supporters of one of the presidential candidates who will participate in the upcoming 2024 presidential election contestation. Still at the moment of National Santri Day which is commemorated every October 22, Commission VIII of the DPR invites students to become peace agents in the political year.

"I invite the students to become peace agents in the 2024 presidential election in line with the pledge of students read out on the commemoration of National Santri Day yesterday in Surabaya," said Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI, Tubagus Ace Hasan Syadzily, Monday, October 23.

"That students are always willing and ready to surrender their bodies and bodies to defend the homeland and the Indonesian nation, maintain national unity and integrity, and realize world peace," he continued.

Ace also highlighted the theme raised in the commemoration of National Santri Day 2024, namely 'Jihad Santri Jayakan Negeri'. This theme has a message of the enthusiasm and dedication of the students as heroes of education and the struggle for ignorance.

According to Ace, jihad in today's era is no longer advancing to the battlefield for religion. However, today's jihad can be interpreted as so that people become intermediaries in the event of friction and division in society, especially in the political year.

"Santri spread the spirit of peace, tolerance, and religious moderation. They are also trained to have a deep religious understanding, ethics, and values of honesty and wisdom," said Ace.

The Cipasung Tasikmalaya Islamic boarding school alumni explained that students can also be pioneers in promoting national politics. The goal, said Ace, is to maintain state sovereignty and to live a life of improving people's welfare.

"Santri should be able to teach national politics to the public, their spirit of patriotism can motivate the younger generation to participate in building a better Indonesia," he explained.

As individuals, students do have the right to support leaders who are considered the most able to meet expectations. However, students are reminded to continue to prioritize tolerance and avoid division due to differences in choice.

"Santri who already have the right to vote have the right to choose who the candidates for leadership are favored, but do not let practical politics affect the world of education in Islamic boarding schools and in the community," said Ace.

"Santri must be able to hold fast to the faith, teachings, values, and traditions of Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah as called for in the pledge of students. This can be realized by maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation," continued the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.

Ace also emphasized that although pesantren are allowed to become a campaign location ahead of the 2024 General Election, educational institutions are said to be neutral from practical politics.

"Pesantren is an educational institution that should be able to maintain its neutrality in the 2024 General Election, both in the presidential and legislative elections," said Ace.

The leadership of the Commission in the DPR RI in charge of religious affairs agrees that the educational environment also needs an understanding of the political world. Even so, Ace assessed that education does not mean in the form of practical politics such as campaigns.

"Because apart from being able to affect the neutrality of the educational environment, political campaigns can disturb the calm of learning of the students," he said.

"So it is very important for us to jointly keep political campaigns in Islamic boarding schools from disturbing the peace of pesantren students and teaching and learning processes for them," added Ace.

On the other hand, Ace reviewed the role of students who are also part of Indonesia's independence history. He also mentioned that many struggle figures have a background as students.

"Historically, students have a major role in protecting the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and participating in our independence that has never been afraid to fight against the invaders in order to spill the blood of the country," he explained.

Ace reminded that a student must provide knowledge for the common good and the continuity of the country to be even better. So it is very important for students to build morals and religious education.

"It is very important for us to encourage the quality of our religious education and to practice it in the midst of society," explained Ace.

Ace also hopes that the quality of education in Islamic boarding schools can be a challenge in advancing the country.

"Santri can be a pioneer in progress for the future of the nation and state so that Indonesia can truly grow into a developed country," he said.

"I hope that students can continue to play a role in the development of the country because students are educated to be figures who can maintain the dignity of the nation. The point is education. If the education is of high quality, then the country will progress," concluded Ace.

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