The West Sulawesi Regional Police have named two suspects for alleged corruption in the procurement of the Mamuju mini ferry sourced from the 2017 Mamuju Regency APBD.

Kasubdit III Tipikor Ditkrimsus Polda Sulbar AKBP Hengky Kristanto said, of the four people who had been dragged into the alleged corruption case in the procurement of motorized floating equipment for passengers or the Mamuju ferry, two of them had been named suspects.

The two suspects continued Hengky Kristanto, namely BS (56) and ASR (64).

"After conducting a series of examinations and confiscation of evidence, today we have named two suspects for alleged corruption in the procurement of passenger motorized floating equipment by the Mamuju Regency Transportation Service," said Hengky, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, October 23.

The two suspects, namely BS said Hengky Kristanto, are the Director of CV. CS and ASR are retired ASN.

"Based on the calculation report, the state losses caused by the alleged corruption in the procurement of passenger motorized floating equipment by the Mamuju Regency Transportation Service reached Rp1.5 billion," explained Hengky Kristanto.

The two suspects, said Hengky Kristanto, were charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 in conjunction with Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

The alleged corruption began when the Mamuju Regency Transportation Service procured passenger motorized transportation sourced from the 2017 Fiscal Year APBD with a contract value of IDR 1.7 billion carried out by CV. CS.

However, in its implementation, the suspect BS, as the Director of CV. CS, which is a provider in working on ships, does not involve shipping experts, engine experts and electrical experts.

As a result of not involving these experts, the construction of the Mamuju ferry did not meet the specifications as stated in the contract.

Meanwhile, suspect ASR, who at that time as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) did not supervise and control ship construction work and did not advise providers to make an absolute accountability letter (SPJTM) as a condition for disbursement and 100 percent.

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